end (jakes view)

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15 years have passed since jake saw the girl. he couldnt remember her name, but her face was something he couldnt forget. his contract with enhypen has long expired since, the boys and him still talk from time to time. he was alone, the fame died down, and the engenes have grown up. he now lives alone in a less fancy apartment, working at his local cafe. he couldnt bring himself to find another relationship, he was too hung up on her. things couldve ended differently if he wasnt an idol, maybe they would start a family by now or something, he doesnt know. 

as he got up from his bed, getting ready for work, he couldnt help but stare at his wallpaper. it was a photo of the girl and enhypen taking a group selfie in the practice room. he smiled, feeling nostalgic of the whole event. 

he wish he could remember her name. he remembers dancing with her, comforting her, and her staying at his old apartment. it made him laugh to himself.

he got a ring from his phone

jungwon: hey you ready to be picked up?

jake: yea be there in 2

jake sighed, putting his phone down on the bed as he quickly got dressed. his uniform for the cafe was simple: a black poloshirt with the cafes logo and some dark jeans. he slipped on his shoes, grabbed his wallet and keys, and took one last glance at the photo on his wallpaper before heading out the door.

as he made his way down the stairs of his apartment building, he couldnt shake off the feeling of nostalgia that had hit him earlier. it was like a wave, pulling him back to those days when he was an idol. those days felt like a lifetime ago, a different life entirely. he missed the boys, the excitement of performing, and yes, he missed her. whoever she was. he chuckled to himself. it was almost poetic how her face was etched into his memory, but her name remained a mystery.

jake stepped outside just as jungwon pulled up in his car. jungwon had remained a close friend, and even though their paths had diverged after their contracts, they still made time for each other. jake appreciated these small gestures, the way jungwon would go out of his way to pick him up for work when he didnt have to.

"morning!" jungwon called out, leaning over to open the passenger door for jake.

"morning" jake replied, sliding into the seat and closing the door. "thanks for the ride"

"no problem. " jungwon said with a grin, pulling away from the curb.

jake looked out the window as they drove through the city. he always felt a pang of bittersweet emotion when he saw the billboards and posters of new idols and groups. it was a reminder of what once was and what could have been.

the drive to the cafe was short, and soon they were pulling into the parking lot. jake got out of the car, thanking jungwn once again before heading inside. the familiar smell of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods greeted him as he stepped through the door. he greeted his coworkers and got to work, trying to push the lingering thoughts of the past out of his mind.

it was a typical day, with the usual rush of customers coming in for their morning coffee. jake was busy taking orders and making drinks, his mind occupied with the tasks at hand. it was a welcome distraction from his thoughts. but then, around midday, something unexpected happened.

jake was at the counter, ringing up an order when he glanced up and saw a face that made his heart stop. it was her. the girl from the photo, the girl he couldnt forget. she looked a bit older, but there was no mistaking it was her. his heart pounded in his chest as he watched her walk into the cafe, holding the hand of a young child. a boy, maybe four or five years old. the boy was tugging at her hand, asking for a chocolate chip cookie.

𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙪𝙥 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧? - sim jake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now