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as yeonjun and taehyun arrived at the diner, he couldnt help but feel as if something was wrong. as if something bad was about to happen to him. he shook that feeling off knowing that right now he should enjoy his time with his friend. although y/n has repeatedly turned him down, he needed to keep a positive mind and not worry about it all.

they were both seated at a table next to a window. yeonjun was spacing out, he wanted to be present with taehyun yet his mind was wandering elsewhere. 

'yeonjun are you even listening? you ask me to come here and youre not even taking in what im saying'

yeonjun snaps out of it. he apologizes and immediately gets back to whatever conversation they were having. 

however, taehyun wasnt stupid, he knew there was something going on with the boy. 

'you dont look good, is something up?' he asks.

yeonjun sighs as he explains the whole situation to his friend.

'taehyun, if im being honest, no im not okay. lately y/n has been distant towards me and this all started after going in and working for enhypen. shes been constantly talking about that jake dude and i have no clue what those two are doing. i know im not her boyfriend so it shouldnt matter, but she keeps telling me how everything is okay, kisses my cheek before she leaves, and texts me at night saying how much she appreciates me. i dont know anymore, im just confused.'

taehyun was shocked at this. the last time he saw yeonjun and y/n together, they couldnt take their eyes off of each other. 

'i think its best if you two remain distant... i dont want you getting hurt, youre one of my best friends and this whole situation seems so difficult to manage.' taehyun says bluntly.

even though yeonjun agreed with him, he couldnt help but miss the y/n he once had. maybe she had loved him once, but now with work and a new man shes been fangirling about, maybe their time was done.

taehyun saw yeonjun tear up. he didnt know how to handle this as he wasnt familiar with relationships, yet he felt so much sympathy towards the boy.

jake and y/n finally arrive at the diner. before they went inside jake couldnt help but admire the girls looks.

'what? is there something on my face??' she panicked.

'no its nothing' he smiled. 

he got out of the car and quickly opened the door for y/n.

'here you go m'lady'

'oh shush' she giggles.

as they went inside, jake held y/n's hand tightly. 

yeonjun's heart shattered. 

were his eyes deceiving him? was that the girl he has fallen with? why is she holding his hand? whyre they laughing with each other as if they've been together for years?

taehyun quickly assessed the situation, he knew something, or someone was behind him that was making yeonjun act this way.

yeonjun wanted to get up and punch the shit out of this jake dude, but he had no right to. he wasnt dating y/n so why should he be all possessive. but this feeling of betrayal was something he could not shake off. 

this has all happened before, but the first time was a misunderstanding. however, he didnt expect it to end up like this.

what happened to all the times he was there for y/n? what happened to the moments and dates they've shared together? where they all for not?

y/n could not believe her eyes. there was yeonjun in the same diner as her and jake. she was embarrassed and ashamed. she knew deep down she liked jake, but she lead yeonjun on as well, and now it has all caught up to to her. 

both yeonjun and y/n made eye contact.

the boy got up and started walking towards her. 

'hi ! table for two?' a waitress asked.

however y/n didnt care about that, her surroundings were foggy, she couldnt even remember jake there. 

it was as if time stopped.

as yeonjun finally reached her, she was ready to for something bad to happen. so she closed her eyes and hoped for the worst.

yet nothing happened.

the last thing she saw was a teary eyed yeonjun walk past her, hitting her with his shoulder on the way out.

jake noticed and was irritated by this.

'hey watch where you're going prick' he swore at him.

this was all going to shit right now and y/n knew.

thats when yeonjun snapped and lunged at the boy, punching him right in front of the whole diner. y/n was shocked and scared for both yeonjun and jake. jake punched him right back and continued the fight. taehyun tried to get jake off of yeonjun and stop the fight.

'WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR DEAL?' jake yelled.


thats when jake stopped. was this her ex?

'what?' he asked.

'guess what,  was the one who dropped her off to your practices, I was the one who comforted her when she needed it, I was the one who confessed to her and took her on all the dates. and now it looks like youve stolen it all. yet i cant blame you, you were unaware too.' 

y/n was frozen in fear. 

both yeonjun and jake looked at her, yeonjun had a look of pain, while jake was in full shock.

jake didnt know y/n was talking to a guy as they were talking. although they never confessed to each other, all those cute intimate times they've shared turned out fake. 

'i can explain...' y/n cried out.

yeonjun leaves with taehyun, while jake approaches her.

'you know y/n, maybe i shouldve left our relationship purely work related.' 

and he was gone.

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