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its been a month since they've been practicing.  y/n increasingly got closer to jungwon. they were practically like siblings. usually he would ask to hangout whenever they got a day off of practice to which she could not turn down. sometimes she wished that she was jungwons dance partner rather than jake, as he still held a grudge against her. 

today was an important day, as they finally got the dance down today was the dance practice video. y/n had to dye her hair a specific jet black color to match with the rest of the dancers. 



they both panicked at how atrocious and patchy her hair looked.

'im never box dyeing my hair again, ESPECIALLY WITH YOU'

hours went by as she tried to search up ways to take off the box dye from her forehead. as a last resort they called yeonjun to fix the problem, since he dyed his hair all the time.

'jesus fuck what happened to your forehead' he asked about to burst out laughing.

'shuttup yeonjun just help us right now i swear'

'shouldve went to the salon dumbass'

she will never forget that moment with yujin and yeonjun. she remembered going into practice the next day with jungwon and sunoo laughing at the girl. they teased her saying that it looked like ink melting from her forehead or as if her sweat was a blackish blue. even jake couldnt help but giggle a bit, but he tried not to show it. 

luckily the dye had worn off her skin after a few days, it would've been super embarrassing if she had that stain still on her in the video.

jake and y/n have been on somewhat better terms. however they were nothing more than coworkers. small talk here and there but nothing ever outside of work unlike jungwon. y/n finally confessed to jungwon about how she felt about jake and what happened to them.

'oh y/n thats pretty bad...'  was all she remembered him saying. he wasnt any help as he never been in that situation before, however he was a great listener and even bought her ice cream after drunk crying her eyes out with him. 

she missed jake, but the feeling of... nothingness? slowly disappeared. she learned to be happy around those she has now, even with him gone. however she still wants to rekindle something they once had.

as she entered into the familiar practice room, she saw all the dancers in their black outfits and black masks. she too had to wear one just like the rest of them so the boys could stand out.

'OKAY EVERYONE PLACES' the choreographer yelled.

and they danced. 

but during the chorus y/n remembered she was being recorded, then a feeling of anxiety hit her like a truck. she tripped over jakes foot causing her to fall. but she didnt hit the floor... jake caught her. 

'you okay?' he asked with a genuine worry in his voice.

'yea i am, thanks'


'sorry maam' they both said in unison. 

they continued and this went on for hours with multiple takes over and over again. she was tired and just wanted to be done with it. but the video had to be perfect. although the dance practice wouldnt be released until after the comeback, they must make it good enough for other fans to learn from as well, or just to swoon over the boys.

when all the dancers and boys finally got a break, an unexpected somebody approached y/n.

it was jake.

'hey y/n is it alright if we talk..?' he hesitates with the last part, however y/n agreed.

he took her hand and they both walked up to the roof top.

y/n was confused on why jake wanted to talk to her all the sudden, after all the ignoring and awkwardness between them. 

as they reached the top, jake finally breaks the silence.

'i wanted to bring you up here because i want to make this right. ever since that day, we havent been performing at the best of our ability and others have noticed how we are always awkward with each other.' 

was that it? what was he going to ask her to do? does he want her to fake her emotions with him to gain validation from the people watching?

'and i've been a dick to you too and im sorry, but you really did hurt me that day.' 

she was confused, why was he apologizing?

'what is it jake? we dont have all the time in the world-'

and that was when he took her by the waist and kissed her.

'i've been going crazy lately. i cant not talk to you, youre always on my mind and i know its stupid but i really like you y/n. as much as i wanna forget about your face and your eyes, your stupid smile, your voice, it wont go away. i needed to talk to you because i want you to know what kind of effect you have on me. please, just say you dont like me so i can finally move on.' he begged. his voice was breaking and he looked as if he was about to cry.



'i like you too, and im so sorry for what happened on that day. i was confused and lost because i've never been in that type of situation before. i know it isnt an excuse, but i just needed to let you know. i like you jake, i've always had.'

'what about your friend...?'

'him and i have agreed to stay as friends'

thats when y/n felt the embrace of strong arms hug around her. she didnt know how to process all these emotions at once, so she cried. she didnt want jake to let go, to leave her, to tell her that she was only just a backup dancer.

'you're not just a backup dancer y/n, you're the girl that i want'

and thats when their lips met once again. 

thats when jungwon barged in the rooftop, looking for the two.

'hey you two! we were looking for you- oh... sorry i didnt mean to interrupt...' his face turned red for ruining the moment.

'its okay we're coming' jake laughs.

as they were about to go down, thats when y/n asked an important question.

'jake, what about your idol status? i know we can never actually date as it isn't allowed...'

'who's going to find out? plus, i'll find a way' 

y/n smiled. she was happy that jake and her were finally back to where they once were.

𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙪𝙥 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧? - sim jake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now