Chapter 1 - Queens and Commoners

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Life is funny like that isn't it? One day your somone so powerful, you are your country's hope and life, and the next day you find yourself alongside go from being famous to someone that no one has heard of...

Vanessa's P.O.V
"Good morning" my mom said as soon as I walked downstairs
She placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me as my dad looked at the newspaper making me roll my eyes
"Ew...I told you that I don't eat carbs...this is carbs...I prefer my eggs boiled, and this pice of bacon holds like 300 calories" I said as I simply placed the fork on the pice of bacon, which made it squirt the greasy oil out.
"Be grateful that we have this to feed you....we barely had enough to buy this" my mom said
"Not my fault your lazy asses and can't work" I said
"Lazy asses? I work 3 jobs to maintain your phone bill and that crazy expansive phone you have" he said
"And yet I don't even have the newest model...I wanted the iPhone 14pro...I only have the 14, you call your self a good dad" I said rolling my eyes as my dad sighed
"I don't know where we went wrong with her..." He said
"Where you went wrong?" I asked as I stood up
"You went wrong with the fact that your poor as fuck! And you can't afford shit for me! I have to hide the fact that I am poor thanks to your lazy asses" I said angrily before walking out of the apartment sighing a bit as I waited fory friends, thankfully the bulding we lived in is an expensive one, but my dad is renting the apartment.
"Hey girl...what's up why so down?" My friend Jasmine asked as she picked me up
"Uh don't remind dad is being a bitch...he keeps telling me to get a if" I said flipping my hair as I checked my reflection in the mirror
"Tell me about dad is threatening me to cut me off if I keep spending so much" she said
"Ew...that's like so sad' I said crossing my legs as I put my seatbelt on
"Let's go" I said happily
Another day at school where I'm treated like a queen
Me Jasmine and Bella are the three queens obvy I'm the one that matters the most and the most gorgouse out of all of them.
All the boys want me at school and I love playing around with their stupid pathetic hearts
"Omg...did you hear Jasuha said he is madly in love with you" Bella asked as I was looking at my reflection in my locker mirror making sure I look perfect as always
"Mhh I heard...but I don't think he is hot enough for can have him if you want to tho, I deserve the best...nothing but the best for me" I said happily with a smirk as I applied lipgloss
"Of course" they said

Austin's P.O.V
"Your majesty please listen to me and stop working out for a second" Sabastion begged as I turned to him while in the middle of my workout
"Look I have a tight squedual I need to be on time" I said
"But your majesty her royal Highness insists on seeing you" he said making sigh a bit
"Mhh fine...I'll be there in 5 minutes" I said
"Less then 5 minutes" he said before leaving the gym making me smile a bit
I was born in to mom was a comoner tho but my dad was a prince, they had a few problems before they could marry but once my dad was crowned king he changed the law, he made it legal for the royal family to marry whomever they love. My dad passed away two years ago, so my mom was crowned queen because I was still not of agez but I recently turned 18 so I am not next in line to be queen. The people are concerned since I'm the youngest ruler so far, they prefer if my mom is in the throne, but because of certain rules my mom is royal by marriage while I'm royal by blood, so like it or not it is my responsibility.
"You called on me mama" I asked as I walked to the throne room, I was wearing my gym cloths, basketball shorts and a gray thanktop with my hair all wet from sweat
"Austin..." My mom spoke as she saw me, I looked around seeing there were people from the ambacy there
"Your majesty..." They said as they bowed making me smile aquardly
"I hope you can see our concern...her majesty is too iresponsible to become a leader" they said making me look at them
"What makes you think so? Because I'm finishing up a workout?" I asked annoyed
"Austin" my mom warned making me glare at them
"I have been pripering for the throne ever since I was's all I know..." I said
"I just don't see how a tomboy can be a good example for our connty, that's all I'll say your royal highness" they said before walking away making me stare at them as they left
"Austin..." My mom started making me turn to her
"You didn't stand up for you think I'm unstable for the throne as well?" I asked looking at her
"'s not that I think your unsutable...your just..." She started making me cut her off
"I'm what?!" I asked rasing my voice
"Your hot heated, you have a temper...and you don't think before you act...running a county is not easy" she said making me smirk a bit
"I believe I can't do believe I will screw up the moment I get the responsibility....that's so comforting to know your own mother doesn't believe in you" I said before walking away
"Austin..." I heard my mom calling after me making me ignore her as I rushed to the bathroom to take a shower remembering my dad
Flash back...
"This will all be yours one day when you become of age you will be ruller of this county" my dad said as I looked up at him
"What about mom?" I asked
"You my darling are royal by blood...while your mom is royal by the rightful hair to the throne is you" he said before kissing my head
End of flash back....
"Your majesty....are you okay?" I heard Sabastion calling after me making me sigh a bit as I opened the bathroom door...I was already dressed just my hair was wet
"I'm fine...I just rembered come he believed in me?" I asked
"Your majesty..." He started but my mom cut him off
"I believe in you too Austin" my mom said as Sabastion bowed to my mom
"Leave us for a bit Sabastion" she said as he nodded
"You have a funny way of showing that you know" I said
"I still stand by my word that it's not easy running a country...but I wouldn't want to take something that doesn't belong to me, when I was pregnant with you everyone kept putting this pressure on you...saying that I'm carrying the future hair of the throne..the pressure even got to me...but I didn't want it to get to you, I wanted you to know that you had another choice" she said
"I was born in to this...I have no other choice...I am ready to accept my destiny...and this way I will feel closer to dad" I said sadly making my mom wrap her arms around me tightly
" will make an excellent queen...I will make arrangements for your cornination" she said
I nodded hugging her back
Before she could leave I stopped her
"Mom...If I need help I'll call for help don't worry" I said making her smile before leaving my room making me sigh a bit as I blow dried my hair

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