Chapter 17

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Austin's P.O.V
I looked around the room in the middle of the night, I was still unaware of what was happening, I was aware of some things like who I am, who myother was and I even remembered most of my friends, but there was just a huge gap, I felt like I am missing some parts of my life, I also felt normal at the same time like I am not missing anything, I felt like my brain was scrambled eggs, and there were some parts that are cooked and some are not...

I woke up the next morning only to see a bunch of doctors around me
"How are you feeling your majesty? Are you able to talk today?" He asked as I nodded slowly
"I think so....I can talk" I said nodding before sitting up, I felt an unbearable pain on my rib cage as well as my leg and on of my arms
"Ah..." I gained out in pain as the doctor helped me up
"Shhh....don't strain your self your majesty" he said as a bunch of cops walked in
"The cops are here to ask you a few questions if it's okay" he asked
"Uh...but...I don't recall anything...ask me about what?" I asked
"You had a very...terrafying accident" he said looking at me
"Oh...I'm sorry I can't reall anything I can't help you with what you want to ask" I said as the doctor looked at me
"How about I ask you a few questions first your majesty?" He asked
"Okay..." I said
"What is your name?" He asked
"Austin...." I said
"What is your age, where are you from, who are your parents?" He asked
"I'm 18 years old, my mom's name is Ophelia" I said
"Do you know that you are a queen?" He asked as I looked at him, this memory was a bit fuzzy
"Uhmmm I know my mom is the queen" I said as he nodded
"What can you recall? He asked looking at me
"I don't know at the moment...I know who I am...I know my friends, but I don't know what I have been doing..." I said as he nodded
"Propare her for a brain scan, we will have to make a few tests" he said as I nodded slowly standing up from the bed to follow the doctor

Ophelia's P.O.V
I looked at Austin as she walked out of the room
"Austin?!" What are you doing up?" I asked worried
"The doctor said he wants to make a few tests..." She said she looked so lost
"Doctor what is happening?" I asked worried
" I said from an accident like this there bound to be some damages, we are just taking precautions" he said making me nod slowly

I looked at the doctor as he walked out of the room
"Where is Austin?" I asked
"Still with the nurse, she will be out in a while, I just wanted to talk to you about something" he said making me nod
"What's up?" I asked worried
"Her majesty has small memory loss, she remember some details in her life, but also some details are a huge blur...her memory is like a puzzle game now" he said
"Please explain more" I said
"She has amnesia, it's a normal thing, she looked lost in space, difficulty with recognising simple gestures, we are lucky there is only partial memory loss, it could have been completely worse" he sakd making me nod slowly
"Will she be okay?" I asked
"She will get her memeroy back, but untill she does it will take time" he said
"Thank you doctor" I said
I didn't know what to do, my mind was a mess, if she has trouble with her memeroy that ment that she can't continue with her royal duties, or adleast she would need help if she still was capable of ruling

Vanessa's P.O.V
"Honey slow down, Austin will still be awake when you get there" my mom said as I rushed her to get out of the door, she would be awake but I wanted her to see me there in front of her, I didn't even want to go home, I wanted to stay with her, but somehow my parents dragged me out of there so I can meet up with them
"Where are they?" I asked the nurse as she smiled at me
"In the room" she said
I quickly opened the door to the room standing on the side as I glanced at Austin and herom
"What's happening?" I asked
"We are trying to see what her majesty remembers" the doctor said making me look at Austin
"I can rember some things, but some things are a blur as I know who I am, I'm Austin I'm 18 and I am from Australia, I know that I'm a queen...but I don't know some details, like I became queen, I also know that I know Vanessa, who Vanessa is...I just can't remember how I know her..." She said as I couldn't help but cry
"You don't remember me?" I asked looking at her
"I remember you...I just don't remember how I know you..." She said with sad eyes making me nod
My heart broke when she said that as the doctor looked at her
"Miss Vanessa what would you say your relationship with her majesty is?" He asked
"I am her gifriend" I said
"Griendtiend? I have a gifriend?" Austin asked as I looked away from her trying to hold my tears back
"Mhm...don't you remember me?" I asked
"Like I said I know you....I just don't rember being in a relationship with you" she said
"Miss Vanessa let's not pressure her any longer, your majesty you relax" he said as he led us out of the room, once I was out of her site that's when I cried, that's when tears finally came out
"Vanessa honey don't worry..." Her mom said before taking my hand in hers
The doctor looked at me with sympathetic eyes as he spoke, it was clear he was trying to cheer me up
"Her memory will eventually come back, but the important thing is that you don't force her, she's fragile, and talking about her past and telling her stuff she will be able to remember...because right now, she remembers her life, but there are some pieces of the puzzle that are missing" he said
"So how do I help her?" I asked eagerly
"Well you will have to do it in a calm way, she may not rember memories with you and stuff she has done with you, but if you show her videos, pictures talk with her about it, she will remember eventually" he said
"So I have to be patient with her..." I said as he nodded
"Yes...that's important, for you to be gentle and patient" he said
"Will she be fit to take over her royal duties?" Her mom asked
"I would advise for her to relax for a while, take her time to remember some stuff, because now she has gaps, big gaps that she needs to fill, she could have her memeroy all jumbled, it's a common case of amnesia, some people lose their memory completely but there are also cases like hers" he said
"Okay thank you very much" her mom said
"No problem...if you need more information if she's in any pain please call me, and don't forget to come back for regular check ups" he said
"When can she go home?" I asked
"Normally I would advise for her to stay a couple of more nights, but in this case I feel like she will be more comfortable in the palace, maybe something there would jjg her memeroy" he said
"Okay...thank you" her mom said as he nodded
"I wish her a speedy recovery" he said before walking away
I took a deep breath before wiping my tears away
"You have nothing to worry about....she will remember you, okay? Just give her some time" she said
"What if she doesn't?....what if she will never remember how she feels for me? What do I do then?" I asked
"Then that are young, you will find someone else...but I feel like it is very unlikely" she said as I nodded taking a deep breath
"I'll get you some coffe from the cafeteria, you go stay with her" she said as I nodded walking in to her room.
I was even dressed up for her, I wanted her to see me and to see her love...but I guess it will be a while before I can feel her love again.

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