Chapter 16

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Vanessa's P.O.V
"You are making a very good recovery, I am very impressed" the doctor said as he smiled before checking my arm again
"Thank you....what about Austin?" I asked
"Austin...she is doing everything she can to recover" he said
Lately all they have been saying is that, it has been weeks since the accident and her condition has not changed at all, how come none of them are doing something more to help her?
"How come your not doing anything more?" I asked
"Miss Vanessa, we did everything we can, her majesty is in safe hands, and now all we can do is wait and leave it up to her, if she is willing to fight she will be fine" he said making me sigh a bit
"Isn't there anything we can do?" I asked looking at her
"I'm sorry...all we can do is wait for nature to take it's course" he said
"Fine then...I won't leave her side untill she's better" I said before sitting up walking over to the window staring at her....
"You should have left me to be in your could you?" I asked crying again

Sabastion's P.O.V
I looked at Nathenial's sleeping body before covering him up, I thought if I kept him near me I could use him against the general, I didn't want to put him in the dungeon, and I managed to leave out a few things, I told him not to say that he has helped him out, but to say that he was tricked, and because Angel is a friend he managed to bend the rules. I knew he deserved to be in jail, I knew he needed to learn his lesson, but somehow I feel like he already has, I was still acting cold twoards him, I was planning to act cold untill this issue was resolved, or adleast untill her majesty recovers...God forbid if she passes away, then this kid will never see me in his life again.
It's funny how life is testing me isn't it? I have never had such feelings for anyone, I had to fall for someone that is accessory to the crime...

I walked to the hospital, I had a bag with me, her majesty requested a few things form the palace as well, I also brought some food for all of them, miss Vanessa was not moving from the glasses window, she kept her eyes on her majesty all the time, 24 7 to be exact, she didn't sleep and didn't eat at all. It was not good, she could get ill and she can pass out
"Miss Vanessa maybe you should eat something" I said as she turned to me, she had one of her majesty's hoodie on as she had her arms crossed, her hair was down, and it wasn't done like usual, absolutely no make up and wearing only leggings
"I can't eat while she's in this condition..." She said sadly
"Miss Vanessa, what do you think her majesty will do when she wakes up?" I asked
"I don't know...she would look for her loved ones" she said
"Mhh...I feel like, the first person she would want to see would be you, and what would she say if she sees you this tired, hungry and God forbid sick?" I asked
She looked at me before smiling a bit taking the sandwich from my hand
" really know how to make someone smile, even in times like this" she said
"You mean alot to her majesty...therefore you mean alot to me" I said as she looked at me
"I thought you didn't like me at all" she said
It was not completely true, at first I thought she was a bad influence on her majesty, but lately miss Vanessa has proven her love towards her majesty, she gave her advice, was there for her when she needed, I couldn't say a bad word
"I didn't dislike you...I just had a bad impression, but you have proved your self" I ssid
"I guess falling in love does that to you...I used to care alot about materialistic things...untill she came in to my life, she completely changed me...for the better, now all I want is her....all I want is to hear her voice again, to feel her arms around me again, to look her in the eyes, those eyes that give me butterflies, to hear her calling my name....I can't helo but to replay every single moment i have spent with her" she said
I listened to her words carefully, the way she talked about her majesty was beautiful
"Sabastion if you ever find love...don't let it go, don't ever doubt it....everything happens for a reason, hold them close to you, because you never know when you will have your last moment with them" she said
Maybe she was right, maybe life is too short to be mad at someone you love, but how can I not punish him for the stuff he did? He lied to me, he manipulated me and he hurt my friends....
"Maybe...but sometimes it's good to know your place..." I said as she sighed a bit taking another bite from the sandwich as the doctor walked over twoards me
"Sabastion may I have a word?" He asked as I nodded following him, I knew it would be something related to her majesty
"Is she getting any better?" I asked worried
"She's still the same, she's trying to get better tho, fighting to wake up, but because of the damage of the accident it will be hard for her, she wants to get better tho...that's a good sign" he said
"Okay..." I nodded as he looked at me
"I should also say this tho...from what we can see she can be put in to a regular room, I just want to make a few more tests before I can move her to a regular room" he saidaking me look at him
"That's good isn't it?!" I asked excited
" means that her chances of life are higher" he said, but he also had that worried expression on his face
"I feel like there is a 'but' coming" I said
"Her majesty went trough a very traumatic hit....and that kind of a hit doesn't come with a few side effects" he said making me look at him
"What kind of side effects?" I asked
"Well...she had alot of injuries on her head, which could lead to memory loss" he said making me look at him
"What?!" I asked
"But memory loss is the easiest side effect, it could also lead to brain damage, but what scares me the most is paralysis and vision loss" he said
I felt like my whole world comaplesd in front of me
"Are they guaranteed now?" I asked
"We won't know untill she wakes up, I'm just preparing you for the worst...that kind of an's a miracle she survived this far" he said
"Thank you for the information doctor...I appreciate it" I said as he nodded
"Positive words, being there for her, as long as she feels your presence she will have the urge to keep fighting" he said before walking away leaving me to my self as I glanced at the window seeing the nurses around her
"Please don't give up your majesty....yours so young to suffer damage like that" I said holding back the tears
"So there is a chance my daughter might be paralyzed?" Her majesty asked as I turned around instantly looking at her
"The chances are small....but he said he just wanted to propare us..." I said looking at her
"How am I going to keep living if my baby can't walk or talk to me!" She asked with tears in her eyes
"He said that she could feel our presence and hear us, he encourages us to be positive and to talk to her every now and then, that way she has the urge to keep fighting" I said as she nodded slowly looking at me
"Maybe...maybe it's time for the press to find out" her majesty said
"No...if the press finds out there is nothing stopping that evil general..." I said looking at her
"Austin hasn't been on the throne for over a week now, people are starting to ask...maybe it's not a good idea to keep hiding that" she said as I sighed a bit
"Okay...if you think that this is the best thing to do your majesty...then I'll support you" I said as she nodded
"I'll talk to the press...let them know about her condition" she said as I nodded

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