Chapter 4

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Austin's P.O.V
I stared at the TV very focused as I payed attantion to the movie I was watching, I also had popcorn with me so I can be fire entertained
"Your majesty" Sabaatian asked as he tried to get my attantion
"Your majesty?" He asked again as I grabbed the bowl of popcorn
"Shhh...this is my favrotie part" I said not taking my eyes off of the screen, but soon the screen was paused making me turn to Sabaatian
"Hey! I was watching that" I said looking at him
"I'm sorry your majesty, but don't you have homework to do?" He asked making me sigh a bit
"It's only Saturday night...I can do it tomorrow" I said
"Your majesty, a Goode leader never puts of something that can be done today to tomorrow" he said
"What?" I asked looking up at him
"Don't leave your work to the last minute your majesty" he said making me nod slowly
"I'm sorry....your right, but can I adleast just finish this song?" I asked
"Mhh fine" he said as I smiled
"Thank you" I said playing the song from the movie, I was watching Mulan 2, she is my favorite princess, she is fearless and she is gorgeous as well

"Okay I will do my work now" I said as I walked over to my room grabbing my back pack before sitting down to work. What Sabaatian said stuck with me, he is right how am I going to handle a country if I don't handle...learning about a country
"Aish...this" I said stopping my self from saying that it's boring. I will be a good leader...I will work hard for all of them and I will protect them all no matter what, I got so lost in doing my homework that I didn't even notice what time it was....

Sabaatian's P.O.V
I walked over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water only to notice her majesty a sleep on the table as she was studying.
"Your majesty?" I asked as I gently nudged her
She only moved my hand away, poor thing must be exhausted.
"Your majesty time for bed" I said
"Five more minutes" she said
I smiled a bit before gently picking her up, placing her on my back as I carried her to her room.
I looked at her sleeping figure as I stroked her hair gently
"Don't worry your majesty....everything will be fine, no one will over throne you" I said before taking her phone. The queen told me to keep this from her, but she can easily find out trough social media, so for the time being her phone will be with me

The net morning...

"Good morning" Sabaatian said as I walked downstairs
"Good morning to you too your majesty" he said smiling at me
"Have you seen my phone?" I asked as I started looking around for it
"Yes your majesty, here it is" he said
"Thanks...I need it for music, I'm going to the gym downstairs" I said smiling at him before getting my gym bag ready, I haven't worked out since I came here, my training was long over do.

I smirked a bit as soon as I walked in to the gym wearing basketball shorts along with a cropped tight thank toр it showed of half of my stomach.
I smiled a bit as I saw a few girls giggling and waving at me as they passed by me making me smile a bit. As soon as I was done I posed a little after workout selfie to my story, I made sure to turn off location notifications as well ss the name of the gym and anything that could lead to my identity being reviled
"Your so me" a girl said as she handed me her number making me stare at her confused
"The hell I will" I said before grabbing my bag so I can head back to the penthouse....

Taylor's P.O.V
"Tay come here and help me set the table" my mom said as I slowly got up, quickly helping her out with the dishes as well
"You're such a sweet heart" she said as I smiled a bit
"I'm going to chill for a bit" I said before taking a seat on the couch scrolling trough my phone, I don't know what possed me to open Instagram....the first thing I saw was that Austin had posted a heart instantly jumped out of my chest as soon as I saw the picture....

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