Chapter 13

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Nathaniel's P.O.V
Sometimes life isn't what you always expect it is, sometimes you go from being happy with your whole family to being all alone in a huge dark world, in the mercy of others, I hate being vonrable, I hate being in theercy of others, but I guess this is my life, my destiny there is no going back now. My guilt was eating me alive, I didn't want to do anything to help that psychotic man, but seeing the fat load of cash he gave me, I only knew what this kind of money looked like in my dreams, now I won't have to drag Emil around, I can afford a good babysitter and I can buy him the medication he needs....
"What the hell am I doing?" I asked my self as I looked at money I got from that man
I also glanced at Emil, sound a sleep next to me as he was shaking from the cold
I quickly grabbed the blanket covering him up before kissing his head gently
"I love you....I'm only doing this for you, whatever happenes it will just be me and you forever and ever kid, no one will ever like your big brother, and because of that you are stuck with me" I said Sighing a bit before laying down next to him
Flash back...
If you are in trouble, her majesty will help you out
End of flash back...
I ran my fingers trough my hair looking at the ceiling
"No one can help me....and get the hell out of my head" I murmered before turning to Emil kissing his head again before going to bed my self

The next morning...

"Where will you take me today?" Emil asked as I put his cloths on
"I'll take you somewhere where you can play all day, where you can have lots of fun, no more bad people taking care of you" I said looking at him
"And where will you be?" He asked
"At always" I said as I let go of him as soon as I put his shirt on
"Will that mean man be there too? He yells at you alot" he said sadly
I gently took his hands in mine looking at him
"No he doesn't yell at me, he is boss, and sometimes when employees don't do a good job their boss warns them, so that way the employee can do a better job" I said
He looked at me a bit confused but slightly nodded his little head
"I don't like him tho, he looks like he wants to take you away, I don't want him to hurt you, so I don't like him" he said before wrapping his tiny arms around me making me smile a bit
"You have nothing to worry about....He won't take me away" I said as he shrugged
"I don't care....I don't like him at all" he said
"Mhh...then if you don't like him....I won't like him" I said as he smiled giving me a high five
"Go out your shoes on" I said as he nodded
Aish little kids, he thinks that things work like he imagenes...take me away where... absolutely no where

"Don't you worry sir...he will be taken care of completely, this founded by her majesty" the Carrer said as I looked at Emil stroking his hair gently
"Do you want to stay here?" I asked as he nodded
"Yes...I love the queen" he said making me smile as he walked inside
"I will pick him up as soon as I finish work, how much do I owe you?" I asked
"Like I said...we are funded by her majesty, it is completely free" she said
"Wow...that's very generous of her" I said
"Uhh he has an illness, he has a bad blood, almost leukaemia.... thankfully it's not so serious but we need to treat it" I said looking at her
" have nothing to worry about" she said
She asked for my number as well, just in case something happens so she can call me and I can pick Emil up

"Hey Nathenial, you are early today" Olivia said as I walked in to the kitchen
"Mhh...I didn't want to piss off Sabastion again" I said as soon as I said that he walked in to the kitchen making me sigh a bit
He surprisingly didn't mess with me, he looked around the kitchen, inspected if everything is clear or not and if it's clean or not
"I will send you a list of foods that her majesty prefers for today, she requested that there should be a special meal for miss Vanessa as well, if you can handle that" he said
"Yes, we will get started right away chef Paulo said as he smiled, starting to work instantly
"Nathenial son, come here" he called after me as I nodded, I needed to pass by Sabastion to get to chef Paulo, but he instantly stood in front of me, I tried to walk pass by him but again he stood in front of me
I looked up at him as I realised a small sigh
"What do you need? I wasn't late today..." I said
"Mhh I is Emil doing?" He asked, I looked up at him slightly confused at his kindness
"He's doing fine..." I said as he nodded before pulling out something from his pocket, it was wrapped all neatly
"I wanted to give this to Emil...apolaguse to him because I sacred him" he said
"He's not here said that I shouldn't bring him anymore" I said before trying to walk pass by him, he grabbed my hand as he looked at me
"Could you give it to him tho?" He asked
"Uhh...I don't feel comfortable taking anything from you, I would prefer if you don't get my brother gifts" I said
"It's not a gift, it's something to apolaguse for, open it" he said
I looked at him Sighing a bit before opening it, seeing an old toy horse , I instantly loomed up at him again waiting for him to explain
"I didn't know you are rasing him all on your own, I didn't know your parents have passed, I was around his age when I lost mine, they were brutally murdered, I was at an oprhanage my whole life" he said
I syphatised for him, he didn't Need to tell me his life story
"Any way...this horse was a gift from my own father, and he told me to care for it, now I want Emil to have it" he said as I looked at the toy horse

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