Chapter 9

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Austin's P.O.V
"Guess no round two for you" Vanessa said making me glance at her before getting out of bed
"Maybe not now, but tonight deffinatly" I said with a smirk as she sat up
"Mhh...I'll think about it" she said as I leaned in again
"Your majesty....are you ready?" The guard asked again interrupting again making me sigh a bit
"Oi..." I said as Vanessa giggled
"You better get ready" she said making me nod
"I'm coming you don't have to wait for me" I said before walking to the bathroom, quickly getting ready to meet my mom
"Where is my mom?" I asked the guard that called me
"Throne room your majesty" he said making me nod
"Is everything okay mom? You asked for me first thing on the morning" I asked as soon as I walked in
"Ah Austin come here, this is Calesy, she is the seamstress" she said happily
"Seamstress?" I asked confused
"For your cremation, she will design and make your royal attire" she said
"Ahhh...ofcoruse, nice to meet you" I said to her
"No your majesty! The honour is mine" she said before bowing to me
"You are very handsome woman" she said making me back away a bit as I turned to my mom
"Please, get your kit" my mom said to the girl
"Ofcoruse your majesty" she said making me look at her
"Is this why you wanted me here?" I asked
"Yes Austin that's why I called you here" she said
"For sowing an outfit?" I asked
"Everything needs to go perfectly for your coronation, that's why I called you, the seamstress needs to measure you" my mom said making me sigh a bit
"Did I interrupt something?" She asked
"No..." I said as she turned my head looking at my neck
"Oi...what the hell is this Austin?" She asked as I placed my hand on my neck
"I'm sure you know what a hickey is" I said
"Pull yourself together" she said before walking away
I quickly followed her standing behind her
"I am pulled together" I said making her turn to me with her arms crossed
"I mean, start thinking rationally, don't be insane" she said
"I know you don't have faith in Vanessa, but I want you to have faith in me, I have never been more sane in my life me, I won't let Australia to fall in the hands of that power hungry maniac" I said looking at her
"That girl...I think she should not be around you, already not in public" she said making me sigh
"Oi...I'm telling you one thing you are changing the topic, what's so hard for you to understand?" I asked
"I understand....but I still want to warn you, not as a queen but as your mother" she said before kissing my head
"This crown, will soon be on your head" she said before taking her crown off placing it on my head before walking away
"Oi! It's a protocol that I have to be blessed before I'm crowned! See you don't know the protocols as well" I called after her Sighing a bit

"Soon you will wear it either way" she answered before finally walking out of the throne room, leaving me alone with the seamstress"Your majesty I hate to rush you but do you think we can speed this up?" She asked making me nod slowly"Sure" I said...

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"Soon you will wear it either way" she answered before finally walking out of the throne room, leaving me alone with the seamstress
"Your majesty I hate to rush you but do you think we can speed this up?" She asked making me nod slowly
"Sure" I said before standing next to her allowing her to take my measurements as I kept thinking about alot of stuff, maybe I am missing something, maybe it's time I visit my father's study again, see in his gernal, see if I have missed something, maybe he has met that terrible general, maybe he has an answer for thease problems

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