Chapter 7

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Austin's P.O.V
I smiled a bit as soon as I opened my eyes, seeing the view in front of me was amazing. Vanessa was sound a sleep next to me, her perfect chocolate brown hair was covering her gentle beautiful face, I slowly sat up a bit as I gently tucked her hair behind her ear, brushing my fingers trough her hair, leaning in to her, staring at her face, she was so beautiful, so gentle, so lovely
"What did you do to me? Mh? I want to make you my queen, I want to make you mine, will you allow me to make you mine?" I asked quetly before slowly sitting up
I put my robe on before walking down to the kitchen preparing breakfast for her, I wish I can live like this forever, I wish I can wake up to her sleeping face forever, I love this girl, I absolutely love this girl....
I smiled a bit as I placed the plate of food on the table.
"Good morning" she said as soon as she walked downstairs
"Good morning to you too" I said
"I made you breakfast" I added looking at her
"Oh God, I think I will puke" she said before taking a seat
"Mhh...what made you drink so much?" I asked looking at her
"Nothing..." She said
"Do you remember what happened last night?" I asked as she looked at me
"Uhh no it's a blur...what happened?" She asked
"Nothing...." I said avoiding her gaze
"Eat up...." I said before walking to the kitchen Sighing a bit

Vanessa's P.O.V
I looked at Austin as she walked to the kitchen making me sigh a bit as I ran my hand trough my hair, I bit my lip as I stared at her. I did remember everything, I remembered that I kissed her and I also overheard her this morning. Oi what did I get my self in to, why did I have to fall for royalty?
"You don't like the food?" She asked as soon as she got back
"No that's not's just that I think I will puke everything out if I eat now" I said
"Okay I won't force you" she said
"Mhh, I think I should head home..." I said
She sighed a bit before looking at me
"I won't stop you, if that is what you want to do...but I would like it more if you stop trying to avoid every moment with me" she said
"I'm not avoiding you" I said looking at her
"You keep saying that but I don't believe you" she said
"Can we not talk about this when my head is exploding?" I asked
"Whatever" she said crossing her arms leaning on the counter
I smiled a bit at her, she had this adorable look on her face, she was sulking
"Oi...don't sulk....I'm not avoiding you, I just can't handle sunlight right now....I promise we will talk about it once I am sober enough" I said as she turned to me
"I will hold you on that promise" she said as she offered me her pinky
"You better keep your promise....brat" she said making me smile a bit as I gave her my pinky looking up in to her eyes
"I promise" I said before walking upstairs so I can change

Later on...

Austin's P.O.V
I smiled a bit as soon as Vanessa walked out of the penthouse leaving me completely alone
"You gave me your promise, you better keep it, because you already have my heart" I said to my self before hearing my phone
"Hey mom" I answered allowing the video chat to go trough
"Hello love, how are you doing?" She asked
"Good....I just woke up" I said
"How come?" She asked
I paused for a quick minute slowly thinking about it, so if I tell my mom what happend, she will have more bad opinions about my future Queen so, I decited to leave out the part where I took care of her drunk ass
"Uhh just there was a party so I attended, and I stayed out late so I slept in" I said
"I see, well you should know that there is good news here, the people are all asking about you and when you are coming back to visit, and I am even hearing some talk about your coronation!" She said excitedly, but somehow....I didn't feel all that excited all of a sudden. Why? This is all I ever wanted, my people love me, they want me to rule...but how come all of a sudden I didn't want to leave this normal life
"Are you okay? You don't seem excited" my mom said
"Uh....maybe...I shouldn't rush to the throne, adleast not untill the general is still trying to over throne me" I said trying to find an excuse, any excuse to be in her prasance just a little bit more, just to tell her how much I fell in love with her, how much I want to be with her, how much I want to live this normal life with can I love someone so much more then what my destiny is, how can I look my people in the eyes like that?
"Since when are you afraid of the general Austin?" My mom asked as I looked at her
"I am just thinking of the good of the country....that's why I suggested it" I said
" there something else that's holding your back?" She asked
"I have to go mom" I said before handing up my phone

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