Chapter 6

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Austin's P.O.V
I tossed and turned the whole night, I couldn't relax and sleep, I couldn't think of anything but my kingdom. The threat when they kidnapped me, the fear of the people, the protests the riots...
I stood up as I looked up the state of the kingdom online, there were 2 new articles already out
"Australia in fear as the queen and the princess go A wall"
I sighed a bit before going online booking three tickets back to Australia, I know my mom just came back here, and she could freely stay here if she wanted it....but I won't back down while Somone is trying to ambush my home, I can deal with not ruling because I'm too young, but I can't sit back and let them distroy what my dad has made...
I also stayed up all night, reading about the whole situation, also thinking about coming up with solutions
"Austin?" My mom asked as soon as she came downstairs, I didn't allow her or Sabastion to even say goog morning
"I'm going back to Australia, I booked 3 tickets, if you want to come with me freely join...but if you dont I'm going, and I wont let you two stop me, those people need to see I'm a good leader, no matter how much they protests....I am going back" I said
"If you feel like this is the best thing to do...I'll allow you to handle this one on your own, while I'm recovering, you can go and deal with it on your own, queen Austin" my mom said as she bowed to me
Sabaatian smiled and bowed to me as well making me look at them confused
"What's happening?" I asked
"You just made a huge step forward, you just demonstrated true bravery....and that's something a true leader has, brave leader is never afraid to face the problem, and I am so proud of you" she said before hugging me, I wrapped my arms around my mom as well
"Ofcoruse you won't go will need to have adleast Sabaatian there" she said making me nod
"Mhh...don't worry I will be back in a few days" I said looking at her

Vanessa's P.O.V
I crossed my legs as I was sitting with Jasmine, Bella , Jennie and Isabel
"I can't believe we got suspended about that harmless prank" they said
"I know right...and V kind of pulled a bitch move on us" they said as they glanced at me
"I did what I had to do...I didn't rat you out" I said
"Yes but that snitch did...and threated us" jasmine said
"I don't know I find her so hot" Jennie said
As I rolled my eyes looking down at my hands as I started playing with the ends of my hair
"She is eye, but she is so poor, like come on, I won't hang her up on my wall, if I wanted looks I'll just print out a picture of a handsome person you know" Bella said
"And she is so overly nice, or maybe she is just trying to be" Isabel said
"She's such a loser!" Bella laughed making me roll my eyes
"And she's such a pathetic little...." I had enough of their bullshit, I didn't allow them to finish the sentence
"Shut the fuck up! It's not like you are any better! Yeah she maybe poor, but adleast she is sweet and kind and likes to help others, she maybe poor but adleast she has a style, she's such a great person and you two can't measure up to her one bit, and news flash! Not everything is about money and wealth, sometimes happiness can be more priceless then the shit you have" I said annoyed
"Huh...all of a sudden you are forgetting who we are" they said
"Yes I forgot for a second...thanks to Austin I finally know who you really are, money hungry assholes that can't handle that Somone is better then you, and she doesn't even have to pay people to like her" I said
"You..." Bella started
"Oh and one more thing...I'm poor too, always have been and I have been, I have been playing your asses" I said as they glared at me with their jaw dropped
"Any ways, see you at the party" I said before walking out of their house walking home
"How dare they say those things about Austin..." I murmered as I kept walking, I mustered up the courage to stop by the pent house...I took a deep breath before I rang the door bell hoping somone would open the dood
"Vanessa? What are you doing here?" She asked
She looked like she was about to go somewhere, I also noticed a suitcase inside
"Where are you going?" I asked as my voice cracked
"Your maje...." A guy started to say making me look at her
"Mhmhmhm..." Austin started causing as the man stopped and looked at me
"Oh hello...miss Vanessa" he said as I looked at Austin, what was this man about to tell her
"Hi..." I said and looked at Austin again
"I...uhh....I'm going back to Australia" she said
"Why?" I asked sadly
"It won't be for long....just for a couple of days, I just need to sort something out" she said
I nodded slowly as I felt my eyes filling themselves with tears
"Sabastion take my suitcase downstairs...I'll be right down" she said as he nodded
"Are you okay?" Austin asked as she stepped outside looking at me
"I don't know..." I said
"Don't's only for a couple of days...I promise I'll be back on Sunday" she said making me look up at her
"How are you able to afford this?" I asked
She looked at me as soon as I asked that and scratched the back of her neck
"The queen is flying us in" she said
"You know the queen?" I asked
I have no idea why....but she was so suspicious to me at the moment
"Not personally" she said
"Austin...." I said as she looked at me
"Mhh?" She asked as I wrapped my arms around her tightly
"Have a safe flight...don't get hurt" I said slowly pulling away slightly as I still had my arms around her, she held my waist as I stared at her
"Austin are you do...." Her mom walked out to the hallway making me pull away from her, looking at Austin
"Hello again..." She said making me nod before whipping my tears away again
"Hi..." I said before looking at Austin again
"I'll be waiting on Sunday" I said before walking downstairs only pausing when I heard her mother saying something
"I hope you know what you are doing Austin....if you think she is suitable, then you go for it, but you have to take in consideration the responsibility she will she ready to leave her life here?" Her mom said
"Leave my life?" I asked confused before instantly rushing downstairs so she won't see me

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