Chapter 11

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General Kai's P.O.V
"Sir...the man you hired is here" one of my staff said as I looked at him
"My dear, what did I tell you to call me?" I asked looking at him
"Uhh...sir" he asked as I looked at him
"I'm sorry, your majesty" he said
"Bring that asshole in!" I said
"Right away sir!" He said
I glanced at him before throwing my mug at him, but he quickly dudged it making me sigh
"I will have kill them all off, IMBASUSLS" I said as I waited for the kid

Nathenial's P.O.V
I stood up as soon as the boy walked out of the generals office, slowly approaching him
"He is waiting for you" he said
"Thank you" I said as I was about to walk in
"Wait kid..." He said stopping me
"Yes" I asked
"If you value your sanity, you will turn back around and leave....this man has serious issues!" He said I looked at his shirt
"Is that coffee?" I asked
"Yes....he threw a cup at me...." He said
"I need the I will take his offer" I said
"Your call, but...I should warn you, when you walk in say hello your majesty" he said
"But..." I started as he nodded slowly
"I know he's not even remotely related to the royal family but if you don't want him to throw a mug at you or worse kill you on the him your majesty" he said as I nodded slowly
"Thank you for the heads up" I said before slowly standing in front of the door, taking a deep breath
You are probably wondering what is an innocent kid like me doing there, why would I want to work for a man that clearly has issues, like I said I need the money, and he happend to offer a very good amount of it
I slowly knocked on the door waiting for an approval to walk in
"Please enter" I heard him saying
I slowly opened the door as I saw him sitting on the chair, he had a weird expression on his face as he looked at me, he fully started at me up and down
"Uhh...I'm here for the job offer, your majesty" I said before bowing
He smirked a bit as he instantly stood up looking at me
"Ah finally a sane person, welcome take a seat" he said as I nodded slowly sitting down on one of the chairs looking around
"Would you like a drink?" He asked
"No thank you...." I said
"So, how old are you?" He asked
"I'm 20, I recently turned 20" I said
"I see, and what's your name?" He asked
"Nathenial..." I said
"Okay, and do you understand that the job requires skills that you are beyond unaware?" He asked
"Like what?" I asked
"Sabotage!!!" He said as he loudly banged his hands on the desk making me jump away a bit
What the hell is wrong with this man?! What have I gotten my self in to?!
"On who?" I asked
"On the young princess! She cannot be queen!" He yelled
Wasn't her corenation tomorrow tho? I thought but didn't say it out loud, I didn't know what he would do to me
"So you want me to sabotage her corenation?" I asked
"Ofcoruse not! Are you dumb?!" He asked looking at me
"I want you to distract them, play a good boy like you are looking for a job at the palace, then when you gain their trust, I will tell you what to do" he said
"But...." He cut me off
"Or your little brother could end his Suffering very soon" he said
"How..." He cut me off
"I know alot of things Nathenial, so you better thing quickly if you want to accept my offer" he said
"Alright....I'll take the offer...but you have to promise that Emil won't be harmed" I said as he smiled
"As long as you follow my orders nothing will harm your little brother" he said making me nod
"Thanks..." I said as I stood up
"Oi! Sit back down!" He said as I nodded quickly sitting down again
"You will have to win the trust of this man first and for most" he said showing me a picture of a man, he looked like a guard
"Who's he?" I asked
"He's name is Sabastion, young 24 year old security guard, he has worked in the palace since a young age, he is practacly the right hand man to the princess and the queen and the late king as well, everything big decisions goes trough him, if you earn his trust, you are in with the princess as well, but make one wrong move with Sabastion and YOULL BE DEAD ALONG WITH YOUR LITTLE BROTHER!" he yelled making me back away again as I nodded
"Okay I got it... Earn Sabastion's trust" I said
"Good boy, now this is my number, and I want yours so I can make your life a living hell" he said as I pulled my phone out handing it to him so he can call himself
"Good child...." He said
"Now get out of here" he said making me nod
"Okay..." I said
"Oi!' I said quickly closing the door behind me avoiding his throw
I sighed a bit resting my back against the door as I ran my hand trough my bling locks
"Do it for Emil do it for Emil...." Was all I kept saying to my self

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