Chapter 19

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Austin's P.O.V
"And you are sure that Vanessa doesn't know that I am going there?" I asked
"No she has no idea that we are flying in for her graduation your majesty, she also has no idea that you have your memory back, and the slide show you have prepared for her will leave her in aw" he said
"I just hope that she doesn't murder me for not telling her right away....I just want to suprise her and tell her that I remember everything about our story" I said smiling at the thought of our moments together...everything about this girl I love, everything, there is not one thing that I don't like about her....
"I'm so happy your majesty" he said
"What about you? When will you stop torturing that kid then mhh?" I asked looking at him
"I don't know....I just wanted to make sure that he would prove him self worthy, that he wouldn't do anything wrong again, and so far he hasn't disappointed" he said
"Then...I advise you to go for it...before Somone else does, before Somone else takes him away" I said as he nodded slowly
"I'll take it under consideration" he said
" about you invite him to come with us on the trip? Emil takes his medication regularly and there is someone to look after him, the trip will be on us since we are inviting him last minute, it will give you a chance to hang out with him outside of the palace walls" I said
"If you are okay with it your majesty then I would love to invite him" he said
"Alright then...." I said smiling at him
"I'll start packing, and I'll book him a ticket as well" I said rushing up to my room

Sabastion's P.O.V
I nodded slowly before walking in to the kitchen, I smiled a bit as I saw chef Paulo trying to control Nathenial's cooking
"I got it..." He said as chef Paulo tried the food
"Oi! You are better then I am!" He said as Oliver smiled a bit walking over to Nathenial
"May I try it?" He asked as Nathenial nodded slowly before feeding some to heart for some reason tightened at the scene seeing them togheter like that
"Mhm...okay Oliver I think you should go back to your job, your the only guard on duty in front of the gate...." I said looking at him
"Right sorry boss" he said before walking away as I glanced at chef Paulo
"I have to work on something outside of the kitchen" he said before walking out, leaving me completely alone with Nathaniel
"Hey...." I said as he smiled a bit looking at me
"Hi..." He said
"I see you and Oliver are getting very close?" I asked before taking a seat
"I would say so...he gave me a ride home a couple of times" he said as I looked at him, trying my hardest not be jealous
"I see...and where was I?" I asked
"I think you had the morning shift" he said as I looked at him
"If you asked me for a ride I would have given one to you" I said looking at him
"It doesn't matter tho...he offered and we are all colleagues aren't we?" He asked as I looked at him nodding slowly
"Yes..." I said
"How can I help you? Do you need something?" He asked
" know that her majesty is planning on surprising miss Vanessa and is planning to fly out...I was wondering if you would like to come on this trip with us..." I said, at this point I needed him to say yes, because.if he didn't I wouldn't want to leave him alone with Oliver
"I appreciate the offer Sabastion, but there are a few things to consider..." He said
"Like what?" I asked
"Like the fact that it's last minute, like the fact I have a little brother to take care off, like the fact that I can't leave him alone" he said looking at me
" about this then? The trip will be on us...all you have to do is pack, her majesty wants you there" I said as he sighed a bit
"And what about Emil?" He asked as I took his hand in mine
"Please...come to this trip with me...." I said
"Mhh...fine..." He said softly as he looked at me
"Good" I said before walking away from him waving bye as he smiled a bit taking a deep breath

Nathenial's P.O.V
I took a deep breath as soon as he walked out of the kitchen, I wanted to go on that trip, but I also couldn't help but think how the hell could I leave Emil alone, or adleast with my aunt...
As soon as my shift ended I got home very fast, like some soarth of speed
"Are you hungry?" My aunt asked as I shook my head slowly seeing Emil playing in the corner as I looked at her
" wanted to ask if there will be a problem if you could keep an eye on Emil for a few days" I said
"Where the hell will you dissaear to this time huh?" She asked
"Nowhere....her majesty asked me to go on a trip with her and Sabastion...I can say no if you can't take care of Emil" I said
"Oi! You didn't mention that handsome bodyguard of yours!" She said
"For the thousand time...he is not mine...he barley even egnolages my presence" I said
"Mhm your so naive and stupid Nathenial that man is head over heals for you!" She said
"Can we stop this ridiculous topic? Can you please take care of Emil?" I asked
"Mhh I'll take care of Emil, and when you get married to your handsome bodyguard then you will invite us to live at the palace!" She said
"Oi....that's not happening...." I said before walking up to my room closing the door behind me
Sabastion💀: her majesty told me to inform you that we leave tomorrow at 5pm
I looked at the message before quickly replying back to it

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