Chapter 14

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⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️
This chapter contains violent scenes, crashes, blood ect, contoue if you can
Happy reading....

Austin's P.O.V
"Good morning love" Vanessa said as I looked at her
"Good morning, how did you sleep?" I asked before slowly sitting up
"As long as you are next to me I have nothing to complain about..." She said as she slowly sat up as well
"Are you okay? You look like you are on edge?" She asked as she stroked my cheek gently
"I'm fine...I just keep thinking about what general Kai has in mind...." I said
"Maybe telling the people to be aware..." She started saying
"No I can't do that....they would be freaked out, like super terrafyied from him, I want this to be solved as calmly as possible" I said
"By sacrificing yourself?" She asked
"I will not...I promise I will not..." I said as she looked at me completely sitting up looking at me as she had a weird look on her face
"What's with that look now?" I asked as she sighed a bit
"I don't want to be insensitive, but I feel like you are hiding something from me" she said
"Like what?" I asked looking at her
"You tell me" she said
"'s early in the morning, I am stressed out as it is, I don't need you to put pressure on me on top of that stress!" I said sitting up
"I am putting pressure on you? Then why the hell. I here then Austin?! Can you tell me? Want me to fucking go I'll go" she said as she stood up making me instantly grabbed her wrist pulling her in toe
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to say that....I didn't mean to blame you" I said as she sighed a bit looking at me
"Just because you are a queen doesn't mean you get to talk to me like that" she said with her arms crossed
"I know....I didn't mean to put the blame on you, I'm just worried what he will do...." I said
"What makes you so worried? Mhh? Talk to me" she said
"My father...he wrote alot about what he did...he was a horrible man...I already knew how money hungry he was but...reading from his book...I...I'm just so scared to face him....I'm scared because he destroys anything in his way" I said
Vanessa slowly took a deep breath before taking my hands in hers
"You don't have to be scared..." She said
I looked at her as she said that, how can I not be?
"You don't have to be scared...because I will be here to protect you..." She said making me laugh a bit before nodding
"Mhh I feel much better now...knowing I have my love protecting me..." I said laughing as she gently kissed my forehead, my eyes, my nose then lips
"Everything about you....I absolutely love" she said
"I love everything about you too" I said smiling
"I'll go first then...." She said refuring to the bathroom
"Okay..." I said
I instantly grabbed my phone checking to see if that asshole has sent anything, any type of a message at all, nothing....
"You will fall in my hands....I won't have mercy on you" I said putting my phone away running my hands trough my hair
"Where are you when I need you dad....mhh? Where the hell are you when I'm going crazy like this?" I asked taking a deep breath

"Hey there she is!" Taylor said as she and Eliza were sitting at the table, I didn't really notice them tho, I kept thinking about what this asshole has in mind, I was not at ease at all
"Oi earth to Austin!" Taylor said as I looked at them
"Sorry what?" I asked confused
"Are you okay?" Eliza asked, I was violently shaking my leg up and down as the staff served me breakfast
"Love..." Vanessa said placing her hand on my leg making me look up at her
"Mhh?" I asked as I kept thinking about the moment where he would end me, what if I get to live the same faith as my father...what if he sits on the throne? What if I fail? What if...
"Ew get this off my plate!" I instantly got snapped out of my thoughts as Jasmine yelled at the staff throwing the plate off the table
"I told you.." she started but I cut her off
"Silance!" I yelled before sitting up looking at her
"Just because you are here doesn't mean you get to boss my staff around! For got sakes wake up there is more to life then just being a brat! Like bare responsibility for once!" I yelled before walking out of the dining room rushing to my father's study, shutting the door behind me practacly locking my self in there

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