Chapter 12

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Austin's P.O.V
I yawned as I waited in the small waiting room, it was a big deal that I was crowned queen at the age that I am, it was a very popular morning show alot of people all around the world watched it.
"Austin!" My mom said as I raised my head up looking at her
"Mhh" I said
"Sit up strait" she said as I glanced at my phone screen, my phone read 5:00am
"It's 5am, the sun is still not out, how can I be up?" I asked
"You will tough it out for one day Austin" she said
"Your majesty I got you coffee" Sabastion said as he sat down next to me
"Thanks..." I said as I rested my head on his shoulder doing my best not to fall a sleep
"Oi!" My mom said as she gently grabbed my head in her hands placing me on her shoulder
"Don't bother Sabastion" my mom said
"It's alright your majesty....I get is very early" he said making me sit up strait as my mom stood up
"I'll go see what's keeping them, you try to stay awake" my mom said before sitting up
"I get why I'm so tired, I'm not used to waking up this early....but how come you look like you can't keep your eyes open? Aren't you used to night shifts?" I asked Sabastion before taking a sip from the coffee
"That very well may be your majesty, I just had alot on my mind" He said making me look at him
"What did you have in mind" I asked
He looked at me before taking a sip from his coffee
"Nothing..." He said making me raise my brow
"Nothing one?" I asked teasing as he looked at me
"Oi...your majesty..." He said making me laugh a bit
"I saw the way you looked at the new kid..." I said
"How did I exactly look at him your majesty?" He asked
"Well...the way I look at Vanessa" I said
He choked on his coffee making me raise my brow again holding back a laugh
"I didn't look at the boy in any way your majesty...he spilled salad all over me....and he was about to fall down, that's why I caught him, he was disrespectful, rude twoards you..." He started saying as I cut him off
"He looked like he was scared from you....but he also looked at you with lust" I said as he looked at me
"With all do respect your majesty can you please not Budd in my love life? It would be highly unprofessional of me to look at someone that works in the palace" he said
"I give you permission" I said
"Thank you your majesty, but I highly doubt I will see that kid again, I'm rarely in the kitchen and I mostly work with the other guards" he said
"Yeah..." I said with a devilish smirk on my face, I can arrange for them to spend some time with him
"Austin come on you are about to be on" my mom said as I nodded standing up
"Right this way your majesty" the producer said as they led me to make up, then they put the microphone on him and led me to the set...

"So what can you tell us your majesty? How does it feel like to be the youngest leader in history so far?" The woman asked
"Well...I feel like I am a regular teenager at some times, the responsibility is definetly there...the people are my priority, but sometimes I get the reality that I'm a teenager as well, im alot like every toher teen, i get hungry, i get grumpy, I ger annoyed and i have's simple as that" I said
"Yes but you have to know that you are not just anyone" she said
"Ofcoruse not, that is very well engraved in my brain" I said with a slight laugh
"Right, well you mentioned you are a teenager, and just by that I have a teenage daughter around your age, and she is very madly in love with her boyfriend, what about you your majesty are you in love?" She asked Making me smile instantly
"I uhh...I don't know if she is comfortable being exposed like that" I said laughing a bit as she pulled out my Instagram story
"I feel like half of the world already saw her" she said as I started smiling covering my face
"Don't be shy your majesty" she said as I nodded slowly
"Mhh yes...that's my girlfriend" I said looking at the picture
"She's so gorgouse your majesty, and like the caption says, your heart beats for her?" She asked making me laugh before nodding
"Yes..." I said
"If it's not a secret your majesty, how did you meet?" She asked
"Uhh...well I met her when I left Australia that period of time, I enrolled in school as well, and I met her there" I said nodding
"She must have been smitten by you, who wouldn't be smitten by royalty" she said
It didn't sit right with me that they assumed she was with me because of my title
"Actually, she didn't know who I was, she didn't know I was royalty, she only found out recently" I said
"Ah well that is so sweet, can we know the name of your lovely gifriend?" She asked as I shook my head
"No...I don't want anyone else hitting her up" I said as the crowd laughed and cheered on
"That is very sweet your majesty" she said
"Now...alot of the people have been on your side, the protests are down and they have been thankful for you, what can you say about the people you have helped out" she asked
" I said my people are my priority, I wasn't their ideal queen at first, and that wasn't easy because I grew up with the idea of ruling one day, so it was hard at first, but then once they were comfortable they allowed me to help them" I said
"What were some of the things you helped out with?" She asked
"Uhh well, the local school here had troubles with heat and the students were freezing, so I wanted to make a comfortable learning environment for them" I said
"I see, that is so noble of you" she said
"Also there were a couple of hospitals that I helped out, kids with special needs, I also offered to cover alot of the kids helt bills, anything as long as they will be safe and healthy" I said
"Now this is what I like to call humble" she said as she looked at the producer
"Anything else you would like to say your majesty?" She asked
"Uhh just that I will be here whenever you need me" I said
"That is all the time we have every one, I'll see you next time, take care" she said
"And we are out!" The producer said as the woman stood up
"Thank you so much for coming your majesty"  the woman said
"The honour was all mine" I said as we finished up

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