Chapter 15

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Sabastion's P.O.V
I sighed as I looked at miss Vanessa laying unconscious on the hospital bed, she had a broken arm, but that was about it, some cuts on her face, but compared to her majesty she was absolutely way better.
"How is she?" Miss Rebeca asked as she walked in to the hospital room
"She's sleeping, I think she will sleep for a while, the doctor gave her a shot to calm her down" I said
"Good...poor thing must be terrafyied....not to mention seeing somone you love in that state" she said as I nodded slowly
"Miss Vanessa is very brave, and her majesty will be fine, I don't think she will give up that easily" I said
I hoped that I was right, I hoped that she would be fine, her condition was horrible, the doctors haven't said anything to us, they are locked in the operating room and haven't gotten out of there since we brought her majesty in
"You should go check on her majesty I'll be here with Vanessa" miss Rebeca said as I nodded slowly before walking out of the door
I saw mister Michael was there as well sitting on the bench
"Are you okay?" I asked gently wanting to comfort him
"I don't want to put the blame on anyone, but your queen almost killed my daughter" he said I looked at him as he said that
"I won't say anything to you because I know you are concerned about miss Vanessa, but have you seen her majesty's condition?" I asked
"Who was the driver mhh?" He asked
"We don't know what happend...miss Vanessa hasn't given us any information...her majesty is fighting for her life in there....pull your self together sir before I say something harsh to you" I said walking pass by him, checking in Queen Ophelia
"How is she?" I asked
"She is doing fine...she's sleeping we gave her a shot to calm her down as well....she fainted because of the shock" the nurse said making me nod
"Thank you so much...and uhh...I know I shouldn't ask this of you, but I think their majestis eould appreciate if this didn't go out to the press, it's better for now" I said as she nodded
"It won't be a problem for us to keep this a secret but you know that eventually it would get out" she said
"I know...but untill we are certain of her majesty's condition I would rather it stay between us" I said
"No problem will prevent it as much as we can" she said before walking out of the room making me sit down running my hands trough my hair. Currently there is no one on the throne, and I hoped and prayed that the general wouldn't figure it out, there is no telling what he would do if he finds out about this
I stood up before taking her majesty's hand in mine
"Don't worry your majesty, Austin will be fine...I know she will she's such a strong girl, heck she's even braver and stronger then I am, she will love trough this I know she will" I said before walking out of the room, I looked at Taylor, Eliza as well as Bella and Jasmine rushing over towards us
"Sabastion!' Taylor said instantly hugging me
"How are they?" Eliza asked worried
"Miss Vanessa is sleeping, she has a broken arm but rather then that she is fine" I said
"Austin?" All of them asked worried as I took a deep breath before answering
"She was in a bad condition when we brought her in, I don't know how she is now, no one has said anything for hours now...." I said as Taylor looked at us
"I want to see Austin! Where is she?" She asked in tears
"We all want to see her but we can't, miss Vanessa was given a room you can see her" I said as she nodded slowly, I led them to miss Vanessa's room as she instantly rushed to her
"Oh my God" she said as she saw her sleeping
"You'll be okay Nessa I promise" she said as she stroked her hair gently and looking at her arm before taking a seat next to her
"They haven't said anything about Austin?" She asked
"No..." I said
"Was she hurt alot" Eliza asked as I looked at them, instantly remembering the scene in front of me when I arrived at the scene...
Flash back...
I walked out of the car in a rush, seeing alot of people gathered around the damaged car, the side of the drivers seat was completely damaged, her majesty was pulled out, they layed her down on the gurney as they tried to get her heart beat going again, her white shirt was all red, her face was damaged and covered in blood, she was unrecognisable, she had alot of cuts and bruises all over her face, her black hair was now completely red, I was afraid that she might have internal bleeding, the image was terrifying she was completely unresponsive
End of flash back...
"No....she wasn't, she was just unconscious and just a little bit of blood" I said sparing them from the groosom truth.
"I'll go see if they have some news, you stay withmiss Vanessa" I said as they nodded slowly as I walked out of the room
I saw the doctor walking out of the door making me instantly rush to him
"How is she doctor?" I asked worried
"I won't lie to you, we did everything we could, she has alot of internal bleeding, we managed to stop it, but I won't guarantee it won't start again, she has alot of broken bones, her arm, her rib cage as well as her collar bone, not to mention she might have a head injury, we will take a deeper look in to that, do some scans and some tests" he said
"Will she live?" I asked
"In this condition we are shocked that she is still alive, she could live...but the chances are 20 percent to 80" he said making me shit my eyes closed
"Please tell me that there is 80% chance that she will live?" I asked
"I'm sorry..." He said as the pulled her majesty out of the operating room, rolling her in to a special room, called emergency care room.
I instantly looked away as soon as I saw her condition, she was mostly cleaned up, but she still had terrible bruises
"Oh my God...." I said as I felt tears forming in to my eyes, please God don't let her die, take care of her
"I advise you to not tell this information to the other patient or her mother" he said
"Am I suppose to lie?" I asked
"No...but allow me to tell them, see miss Vanessa is injured as well and is in shock this could worsen her condition, as for her majesty she could fall in to shock" he said as I nodded Sighing a bit
"Alright...I'll let you handle it doctor" I said as he nodded
"Stay strong, she is very brave, and is willing to fight" he said before walking after them

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