Chapter 8

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General Kai's P.O.V
"What have you got?" I asked as I sat on the balcony of my huge house, it is nothing compared to the palace though
"Nothing yet general" he said making me glare at him, I stood up throwing the coffee away
"Why do I pay you for mhh? What the actual hell?" I asked
"General..." I punched the guard looking at him
"You will address me as your majesty, am I clear, and find out more about that coumaner! When I move in to the palace all of you will be under my control!" I yelled before walking away

Austin's P.O.V
I smiled a bit as Vanessa walked downstairs
"Good morning" I said as she looked at me with a happy smile
"Good morning love" she said before wrapping her arms around my neck as I pulled her closer in to me, kissing her cheek gently then her nose then her lips
"What would you like to do today?" I asked looking at her
"Whatever is fine...I just want to be with you" she said smiling
I'm so happy with you" I said before kissing her
head gently as I wrapped my arms around her waist resting my chin on her head
"I'm so happy you came in to my life" I said as she looked up at me
"Me too...last night I didn't say anything because you didn't want me to, but I really need to tell you something Austin" she said making me sigh a bit
"Mhh I know....I still have to say something as well, maybe it is the best time for both of us to say it" I said
"Okay well..." She was about to say something
"Knock knock!" I heard Taylor's voice making both of us turn around
"Am I interrupting something?" She asked
"Yes" I said as Vanessa looked at me
"No Taylor please...come in" she said looking at her
"What can I help you with?" I asked looking at Taylor as she glanced at Vanessa
"I take it you two finally talked with eachother" she said looking at me
"Mhh..." I said looking at her
" I guess you have talked about everything?" Taylor asked as she looked at me
I shook my head as she looked at me giving her a signal that I still haven't told her
"I see" she said
"What do you see? Is there something wrong?" Vanessa asked
"No.... everything is fine" I said
"Mhh...oh shit I have to go tho, my mom will kill me" she said before kissing my cheek
"I'll see you tomorrow then, at school" I said making her nod as she left
"So....I see you have confused to Vanessa about your feelings" Taylor said
"Mhh" I said taking a seat on the couch
"Now when will you confess about your true identity?" She asked
"I am planning on telling mom called me and she told me to head back, maybe for food this time, I may have to drop out of the school as well, but befor ei get back to my royal life I want to spend some time being a normal teenager again" I said
"I know what you want Austin...but you can't have both, Vanessa might have been a jerk and a bully, but she doesn't deserve to have her heart broken like that" she said
"Do you think it's easy for me? I haven't slept at all thease past few days, on one side I have my mind on that psycho general....on the other side I have my people in mind....and my heart doesn't allow me to think about anything else but Vanessa" I said
"The more you lie the worse it will get, you should come clean, and I think the sooner the better" she said
"Like I said I will, but Australia is at ease right now, and I think that gives me a bit more time to be lovey dovey with Vanessa, then I will take responsibility and I will tell Vanessa everything, who I am, and why I have to leave her again...." I said
"Mhm...that's just great, but will your heart be in one pice? And will hers be? Do you plan on seeing her again after this? You know Austin for a queen you seem to make some seriously poor decisions" Taylor said before leaving


General Kai's P.O.V
"We have more information on the girl" the staff said making me glare up at them
"And how will you address me?" I asked
"Uhh...your majesty" they said making me sit up grabbing the file with a slight smirk reading the girls file
"Ah, I see she likes money, and power, she knows who to go after" I said
"Actually your majesty, the girl doesn't seem to know who her majesty is" he said making me glare up at him
"Don't compare that girl with my level! Soon this country will be mine and all of those idiots will pay! I did not plot my plan for years to have a stupid teenager ruen it" I said
"My apologize your majesty" he said as I looked at him, maybe it is time I visit the Queen" I said as I looked at girls files and the picturez
"Her majesty is getting distracted more, she is like a lost puppy in love, keep distracting her Vanessa" I said with a smirk

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