Chapter 20

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Sabastion's P.O.V
I glanced at the penthouse as I stood outside Sighing a bit, I couldn't help but recall what happened
Flash back...
"I feel like I have waited for you so long, I feel like I want you more and more now" Rose said as I sighed a bit
She placed her hand on my cheek as she gently stroked it, I removed her hand from cheek instantly looking at her
"Please don't make this any more complicated then it needs to be" I said
"I'm not making anything weird" she said
"I told you that I am not interested in you" I said
"You said you can't be with me because you travel a lot....but I don't mind long distance!" She said practically grabbing my face in her hands
"Like I said..." I said taking her hands away holding them in mine
"I don't want you...I was going to offer being your friend...but looks like you are incapable of that" I said looking at her
"Just give chance" she said as she wrapped my arms around my neck as she brushed her fingers on my lips
"I told you why I am here...please give me the things that her majesty needs and let this go" I said
"But I want you mhh? I want you to be with me, I want to be your wife, I want to have your babies, I want to be the wife of the head guard to her majesty" she said as I sighed again
"Please don't make me angry....please don't make me break your heart" I said as she smirked a bit
"But I won't break my heart" she said as she smirked kissing me
I had to admit that I was shocked at first, and at the beginning, before I met Nathenial, I thought that she was attractive. But now my eyes could only see Nathenial, my heart kept beating for this kid, everything about him just drives me to one point...even this kiss now....even the kiss with this girl reminded me the first time I kissed him back at the palace, there was no doubt, no doubt at all, the one I wanted to be with was Nathenial
I took a breath before pushing her away from me looking at her
"I said...that I don't want you...I don't want to be with you...I don't want to be near you, I am in love with someone else...please let this fantasy go" I said before leaving
End of flash back...
"What the hell am I going to tell you?" I asked as I ran my hand through my hair, it's not like I owed him an explanation right? He probably didn't even know that I kissed someone, also that bitch was the one that planted one on me, I wasn't the one at fault, my lips were the victims
I took a deep breath before walking in to the pent house looking at her majesty, she was sitting down on the couch with her headphones in, probably listening to her music, in her own world, she enjoyed specific type of music that's why she listened with headphones
I took a deep breath looking at Nathenial, he had a baggy shirt on and basketball shorts, his eyes also looked very puffy, he looked like he was crying, did something happen to Emil?
"Hey..." I said looking at him
"Hi..." He said
He has this sad tone to his voice making me take a deep breath
"Listen...I know you're probably mad about today that I didn't come to the park like I said, there was a bit of work I had to do" I said looking at him, he stopped pouring the coffee in his mug as he looked up at me
"No need to explain yourself....after's not like it was important at all" he said looking at me before trying to walk away, I grabbed his hand gently looking at him as he looked at me
"Is everything okay?" I asked looking at him confused as he nodded slowly
"Mhh everything is fine...I just didn't think that I should interrupt you...I didn't know you had a girlfriend...and so she won't get the wrong idea I think it's best if I take a couple steps back from you" he said
"I..." He cut me off before I can say anything
"When we get back to Australia, between us there will only strictly be a professional relationship..." He said before walking away from me making me look at him confused
"Oi! Nathenial" I called after him as he rushed up the stairs
He did see me....he saw me kissing that girl, how the hell am I going to explain to him that it was not what it looked like?
I sighed a bit as I rushed up the steps about to knock on the door
"Sabastion! Can you come here for a few seconds?" Her majesty asked as I looked at the door then at the septs
"Coming....your majesty" I said before walking downstairs
"Is everything okay?" She asked as she took off her headphones making me nod slowly
" can I help you, your majesty?" I asked looking at her
"Forget that...what happened to you? Your face is pale" she said as I instantly touched my face
"No I'm can I help you?" I asked looking at her
"I just wanted to ask your opinion on a few pictures" she said as she showed me a few pictures of her and miss Vanessa making me look at her
"No offence your called me for that?" I asked
"Did you have something better to do?" She asked looking up at me
I looked at her dumbfounded as I sighed a bit
"No your majesty....I don't have anything better to do" I said looking at her
Of course I had something better to do...but like always I was loyal to the royal family....not to my heart

I accidentally fell for royalty Where stories live. Discover now