Chapter 18

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Austin's P.O.V
"You are doing very well your majesty, you are recovering massively, the bones on your arm are slowly almost recovered, as well as your leg
"I can tell you might have trouble breathing still with the rib cage?" The doctor asked as I nodded
"Sometimes, when I try to take a deep breath, but other then that I have no problem" I said nodding
"Let me see the colour bone" he said as he slowly unbuttoned my shirt taking a look at the fractured bone
"Yes it's slowly starting to recover, the swelling is also gone, your majesty you are lucky that you are a young healthy girl" he said as I nodded
"I recall working out alot...but I guess now I will have to take a pause" I said
"Oh please your majesty don't even think about it" he said
"But I have been stuck in my room for weeks now, I'm going insane not to mention my memory is stuck on one thing, I want to just get better" I said
"Your can't just press forward on the recovery process" he said
"I know....but I feel useless" I said looking at him
"Your majesty, if there are duties that are not too hard to handle, you may get back to work, slowly but surely" he said
"So I can get back to my duties?" I asked happily
"Uhh...if there are duties that are slow and not too hard for you, then sure" he said as I planed up at Vanessa, she had her arms crossed as she looked at me
Her and my mom have been like a hawk on me lately, every move I make they would instantly take over, like I want to use the bathroom, they are rushing to help me....I get they are worried...I get they want me to recover...but come on I'm not handicapped
"Do you see that? The doctor said that I can freely walk around..." I said looking at her
"Please miss Vanessa, follow me outside as her majesty slowly properties her self" he said as I smiled a bit happily

Vanessa's P.O.V
"Please tell me that you just told her that to make her happy, she's not capable of doing any physical activity now" I said looking at the doctor
"Her majesty is recovering well, her bones are young and are used to moving around, I see no problem with her doing small things like walking and sorting and so on, and besides she said that it has been weeks now and her memory has not come back yet" he said
"Is that bad?" I was worried about looking at him
"It's not bad but it's not good either, her memory should have come back, at least some of her memories, her mental health is also important Vanessa" he said making me nod slowly
"So if she starts doing whatever she wants her memory might come back?" I asked looking at him
"Yes miss Vanessa...that's right" he said making me nod slowly
"Alright then I'll handle it" I said nodding before walking back in to the room looking at Austin as she tried to button her short up with one hand
"I'll handle that" I said before standing in front of her helping her out with her buttons
"Thanks...I don't know what I would do without you" she said as I slowly looked up at her, seeing her inches away from me, I would have made a move, but I didn't want to.comfuse her so I just took a deep breath looking at her then slowly backing away from her, but I felt her grabbing my wrist as she pulled to her
"Did I do something to upset you?" She asked
"No...why?" I asked
"Because here I am, standing in front of you, giving you love eyes and you just wanted to walk away..." She said
"I just...I didn't want to confuse you...that's why I thought that...." She cut me off instantly by pressing her lips on mine making me instantly miss her back slowly lifting my hand up, gently stroking her face with my fingers as my lips brushed against hers, I gently pulled away from her once I was slowly starting to lose my breath looking into her eyes
"I guess that's a good sign?" I asked as she smiled a bit looking at me
"Mhh, it's a very good sign....I feel like I remember what your lips do to me" she said as she leaned in again making me place my hand on her lips as the doctor walked back in
"Sorry to interrupt your majesty" he said as I looked at him smiling a bit
"Your majesty what I wanted to say is that you are free to go home" he said as she nodded
"Thank you so much, I'll see you on the next check up" Austin said before slowly walking out of the room

Nathenial's P.O.V
I slowly woke up with my aunt standing in front of me making me look at her worried
"Did something happen to Emil?" I asked sitting up
"No he's fine, he's sleeping...Your handsome body guard is here again" she said making me instantly sit up
"He's not my bodyguard" I said before grabbing my hoodie putting it on since I slept topless
"Okay...boyfriend" she said making me glance at her
"He's not my boyfriend either" I said before walking to the bathroom washing my face and putting on some deodorant Before walking downstairs
"Good morning" he said as I looked at him
"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Not a good morning from you? Shame I brought you coffee as well" he said
"Thanks...that's very sweet...." I said before taking it as my aunt instantly awed
"Awww!!!" She said as I glanced at her
"I'll leave you two alone" she said as I looked at him
"Please take a seat" I said as I looked at him
"Okay...are you ready for today?" He asked
"Ready for what?" I asked confused
"For your day at work, your coming back to work, and I don't want to hear any excuses, also you will be apologising have a big day ahead of you" he said
"Okay....I'll accept that....I'll come and apologise and I wouldn't mind getting my job back because I do need to get a job, but I don't like the controlling addatide" I said looking at him as he nodded slowly
"Okay...fair enough I'm sorry...I'll be waiting for you here" she said making me nod
"I'll be ready as soon as I can" I said walking upstairs to get dressed

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