Chapter 2

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Austin's P.O.V
"Your majesty, how is the house hunting going?' Sabastion asked as he took a seat next to me
"It's going good...I found a couple of option....I think this one is the best, it has enough space, it looks nice and spacious and I think I'll like it" I said showing him the penthouse

"I like it your majesty" he said smiling making me nod

" looks so's not the palace but it looks so comfy and nice" I said as I placed the order so I can book it
"Your should show it to her royal highness" he suggested
"Mhh don't worry I will" I said before sitting up grabbing the laptop in my hand
"Hey you have time to see where I will be living?" I asked
"Mhh yes I'm interested" she said as she took a seat on the dining room table
I placed the computer in front of her as I showed her the penthouse
She had a mixed face on, she didn't look very pleased and she also looked very sad
"Everything okay?" I asked
"Mhh...I just...can't believe your moving" she said sadly
"Do you like the penthouse?" I asked
"This penthouse looks small" she said making me look at her confused as I showed her the many rooms and the second floor
"It's not a palace mom but it's a beautiful penthouse" I said before kissing her cheek
"I don't know Austin....I'm not sure you're ready to be on your own" she said
"Think of it like I'm going to college....I want to find my self mom...I really do" I said
"Alright...I'm coming to the airport with you tho" she said making me nod
"Don't worry....I'll have to go pack tho" I said
"Wait honey I'll help you...I just want to spend some time with you" she said making me nod
"Alright come on then" I said as we walked up in to my room
My mom held on well, but she did end up crying
"Oi...don't cry...every normal teen moves away from home at some point in their life" I said
"But your not a normal teen...your a princess....what will I do without you here?" She asked sadly
"I know...but we agreed that this is the best thing that we can do for the people....and I will visit you...don't worry" I said before hugging her
"Alright....and promise me you will face time me all the time, and don't sleep around okay? Don't get drunk as well be responsible" she said
"Don't worry....I'm sure Sabastion will keep an eye on me" I said
"I also enrolled in school" I said happily
"Good I'm glad" she said before kissing my head
"Alright then....get some sleep..." She said
I took a deep breath when she walked out of my room making me look around
"I'll miss my room" I murdered

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