Chapter 5

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Oh na na, just be careful
Oh na na, love ain't simple
Oh na na, promise me no promises

Promise me no promises....

Austin's P.O.V
"Fuck!" I said as I dropped the weights, unable to concentrate on my work out, I kept thinking about Taylor's treat, would she really be that pitty and tell my secret? Was the only think I could think about.
I sighed a bit calling it a day before heading back to the penthouse, I was suppose to get ready for school either way. I also kept thinking about Vanessa, was she doing okay?" Who was that asshole that was bothering her? And should I even ask her about it....
I walked downstairs as I had my bag on my shoulder, trying to avoid Sabaatian from noticing me
"Everything okay?" He asked making me nod
"Mhh...just have some stuff on my mind" I said as I tried to walk away but he grabbed my hand
"Your majesty....I don't mean to pray, but you are aware of the customs of your country right?" He asked
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Your father changed the rule about royalty being able to marry commoners but he never changed the rule that you can chose a commoner from a different country, also not to mention her majesty came from a good background, she was well raised and she oas polight" he said
"What are you trying to tell me?" I asked
"Nothing your majesty....I just want you to be careful....and to open your eyes a bit, that's all" he said
"You think Vanessa is unfit for me" I said looking at him
"I didn't say that....I just think that a kind soul will suite your personality more...." He said
"Like who? Taylor?" I asked
"She does seem like a lovely girl...and she knows your secret" he said
"Mhhh and shes psychotic....she threatened me to be with her....if I reject her she will tell my secret" I said before trying to walk away
"All I'm saying is your majesty, your whole life you have never gotten in trouble....but this girl comes along in your life and you get in a fight at school..." He said making me laugh sarcastically
"Who I like is mine...that belongs to me, no one can tell me who I can't and can like...." I said before finally walking to school. I stood in front of my locker as I tried to put my combination in
"Fuck you!" I said since I wasn't able to opened the combination
"What did that poor locker do to you love?" Taylor said as she opened my locker, I looked at her confused
"I'm did you know my combination? I changed it' I said looking at her
"You changed it to your father's birthday" she said
She is a bit creepy, more like an obssed fan I would say
"Taylor....can we just go back to how things were, you know when you were my friend and you didn't freak me out?" I asked
"Sure...we can" she said making me nod taking a deep breath as she stood closer to me making me look at her confused
"Did you think about my offer?" She asked as I looked at her
"No I didn't...." I said looking at her
"So you want me to announce that you are the princess" she said
"If you think that that will make me fall for you go ahead....but spoiler alert it won't, you are blackmailing me to be with you" I said annoyed before walking away
She followed me grabbing my hand pulling me in to her as she kissed me, forcing her self on to me
I was shocked I won't lie, it got me stunned, I grabbed her shoulder gently pushing her away from me looking at her
"Oi Taylor....please get a grip of your self....I won't fall for you that way!" I said as she looked at me with sad eyes
"But Vanessa is being a bitch and you like her! Why don't I have the same effect mhh?" He asked as she ran away in tears making me sigh a bit running my hand trough my hair
"Curse my royal charms" I said before following her to make sure she is okay

Vanessa's P.O.V
I was happy to go to school today, I was also scared of Jasmine and Bella, but they texted in the group chat and said they won't be showing up those few days, so I was good, I wanted to see Austin tho, I wanted to thank her again for helping me out. I also got her an espresso because I rembered she liked it.
My smile instantly faded away as soon as I walked in to the school...the view in front of me was shocking, I saw Taylor and Austin kissing. I didn't know why all of a suddeb my heart was not beating. I wanted to go over there and just pull them apart...but I remembered the fact that I am nothing to Austin...she is nothing to me...she was free to be with who she wants to be....I quickly turned around before they can see me rushing to my hiding spot in the school...
"Oh my God...." I said before slowly starting to cry
Why did this bug me so much? Why did I care who this Unwelthy girl was with? She's so not my type....but here I was shredding tears for her, what's wrong with my heart?

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