Chapter 10

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Austin's P.O.V
I looked at Vanessa as she and Taylor were practacly rolling their eyes at Bella and Jasmine
"I don't know why you brought them here Austin..." Taylor said as they blew a kiss to them
"Guards! Please refile" they said
"Oi...guys I brought you here for help, altho I won't treat you like crap, I would also like you to be respectful guests" I said as they looked at me before sitting up
"Look here Austin....we can easily back away from this deal right? And you will have no one to help you out, mind as well make us happy" they said as Vanessa rolled her eyes
"Oi! I'll not let you take advantage of her" she said
"It's okay, they can enjoy the royal life while they are here, as long as they are respectful" I said
"Aish let them...spoilt assholes" Taylor said crossing her arms
"Austin...can we have a tour?" She asked
"Sure...would you like to join?" I asked them
"We are good" Bella said
"Okay....well come on, I'll give you a tour then" I said to Taylor
Vanessa looked at me before taking my hand
"I'll join" she said making me smile
"But you already know most of the rooms" I said
"I know....but I want to come with you" she said
"Sure" I said as we showed Taylor around, the most impressive room for her was the throne room
"Wow so you get to sit on it!" She said making me nod
"Is it like illegal to touch it?" She asked
I looked at her before laughing a bit
"Oi!" She said making me instantly stop laughing
"Mhh I'll put you in jail if you touch it" I teased
"Your not funny Austin" she said crossing her arms
"It's not illegal, it's just the way the monarchy works, only the royal family can sit on the throne" I said explaining
"What will happen if I sit?" She asked making me laugh again
"End of the world Taylor" I said as rolled her eyes
"Take a seat and find out" I said as she looked at me
"Am I allowed?" She asked happily
"Mhh...I'm the future Queen and I give you permission" I said as she smiled a bit walking over to the throne, she was about to sit on it, but my mom interupted
" I interupting something?" She asked as Taylor smiled at her
"Your majesty, hello" she said
"Step away from the throne Taylor" she said as I sighed a bit
"It wasn't Taylor's fault mom, I was the one that..." She cut me off before turning to me
"I just about have had it with your weird methods Austin!" She raised her voice at me for the first time as some guards gathered along with Sabastian
"Mom..." I started but she cut me off
"No! You will listen to me Austin!" She yelled as I looked at her
"I stayed quiet when your broth this girl here! I stayed quiet when you refused to come back, I stayed quiet trough out alot of things! But bringing your friends here, them acting as if they own the place!? Have you no shame Austin? What have you done to the palace your father has worked so hard to create?!" She asked rasing her time as I looked at her
"Dad ruled with his own rules mother! Have you forgotten where you came from?! Have you forgotten that he changed the rules for you as well?! I don't want you to ever say anything about my friends! Especially about Vanessa! I will rule with other rules, and you won't get to tell me what to do!" I said as I looked around at the staff
"And that goes for everyone else! Am I clear?!" I asked before walking out of the throne room heading to my room. Taking a deep breath as I saw my father's black book on my table

Ophelia's P.O.V
I stayed quiet as Austin walked out of the throne room making me look at all the people there
"With all do respect your majesty, the king ruled at a different time, as Austin rules at a different time, you can't expect the same rules for every generation" Vanessa said before she walked away as everyone followed her out, leaving me with Sabastian, he looked at me as he tried to walk away from me
"What do you think Sabastian?" I asked
"If you want me to be honest your majesty?" He asked making me nod
"You have dissapointed me your majesty, with all do respect" he said as he added
"Have you forgotten how it was for you when you first came to the kingdom? How the king tried to prove you were a good leader? Miss Vanessa has made mistakes in the past, but can't you see what she is doing for her majesty? She doesn't want to leave her majesty because she wants her to pass this crisis, she is in a foreign country, all alone, except for someone she loves, stuck in her majesty's room all day because she is afraid not to shame her majesty's name, being by her side 24/7 and yet, in your eyes she can't win" he said
"My husband, what would he say? Mhh? He..." He cut me off
"His majesty would be very proud of Austin, but he would be dissapinted in you your majesty" he said before bowing to me leaving

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