Chapter 3

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Austin's P.O.V
Flash back:
"No...I'm fine....did you hurt your self?"
"You broke my fall"
End of flash back:
I smiled a bit as I thought about the little interactions we have had with eachother so far, I was so out of it, I don't think I have ever met someone like her before. People will say she is shallow but I guess I would just call her, hungry to fit in. I know how it feels, I have been trough it, I was so hungry to fit it, hungry for my people's approval to be a good queen, maybe Vanessa is on to something maybe she is smart to know what she wants and go for it...tho she could be a little more kinder and less of a brat about it....but maybe in a twisted way....she is getting to me in a way I can't understand. Not to mention she is very attractive, she looks like royalty....even tho she isn't
"Your majesty...." Sabaatian said as he entered my room looking at me surprised
"You actually woke up on time?" He asked
"Aish....don't tease me" I said sitting up
"Well start getting ready or you will be late" he said making me nod slowly before sitting up walking to my bathroom, I don't know why all of a sudden I was so excited to go to school
I spent hours figuring out what I can wear, butaybe I should just keep it casual like always, it is a school after all, I kept leaning more towards black outfits, I guess thats where my confidence is

I brushed my teeth, put on perfume and made sure my hair was all neat as well before walking downstairs "Eat before you leave your majesty" Sabaatian said making me nod slowly "Thanks, I have never seen you cook in the palace before" I said lookin...

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I brushed my teeth, put on perfume and made sure my hair was all neat as well before walking downstairs
"Eat before you leave your majesty" Sabaatian said making me nod slowly
"Thanks, I have never seen you cook in the palace before" I said looking at him
"That is because there we have amazing people that prep for our meals, here we have no choice but to fen for ourselves" he said
"I guess you are right, maybe I can try cooking?" I asked
"Uhh...rember the incident back at the palace, when you tried making a cake for their highness's aneversery?" He asked
"I didn't know I was suppose to put the top on the blender okay! No one told me that" I said
"Because you orderd the staff to not tell you" he said
"Geez you make a mess in the kitchen once and you never live it down" I said before taking a bite from the food he prepared" he smiled at me as he sat down to eat as well
"What will you do today?" I asked
"I will go look for a job" he said
"But my mom sends money for us" I said
"I know that your majesty, but the money her majesty sends is for you, not for the both of us" he said making me think a bit, maybe I should get a job as well...I haven't worked a day in my life but if Sabaatian can do it why can't I?
"Maybe...I should think about a job too" I said
"No....her majesty would never allow it, and you have been raised to rule not to scrub tables" he said
"And you have been raised to be a royal advisor not to scrub tables" I said
"I have been raised to work, I'm just lucky enough your father took a chance on me upon millions of people" he said making me look at him. Poor dude he has been trough a lot, and yet not once he has complained
"Sabaatian" I said as he looked at me
"Yes your majesty?" He asked
I looked at him before wrapping my arms around him tightly, hugging him
"Thank you for being with me...and for taking care of me" I said looking at him
"Long live our princess" he said before returning the hug
"Now off to school, before you are late" he said
"Okay" I said before waving bye to him as I grabbed my back pack
I met up with Taylor on the way there, she looked tired
"Good morning" I said as she yawned
"To you too" she said looking at me
"Why do you look so tired?" I asked looking at her
"I was just up all night studying, there will be a pop quizz in physics" she said
"What?!" I asked before opening the book as I looked at it.
"Oh right...I forgot to warn you that he gives a pop quiz every class" she said
"Ha...what a suprise" I said
"Don't can copy off of me...just don't be too obvious because he is strict" she said
"Thanks for the heads up..." I said as she laughed gently touching my hair, brushing her fingers through the red strikes
"Your hair is so pretty" she said
Okay, I know that she has a crush on me, and that she is such a sweet girl, but for some reason I can't get my self to see her more then a friend
"Thanks...your hair is pretty too" I said, bractacly blurring out...
"You really think so? I only brush it out" she said with light in her eyes making me nod slowly
"Mhm...I do" I said giving her a smile

I accidentally fell for royalty Where stories live. Discover now