Chapter 2 : First Encounter

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Chapter Two: First Encounter

After Alexander killed the clan leader and made his escape, he sought refuge in a dense forest. As he ventured deeper into the woods, he stumbled upon a peculiar sight - a peaceful silver wolf snoozing under the shade of a tree.

Alexander couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "Well, that's definitely not foreshadowing," he mused, a grin spreading across his face. Pushing aside any potential worries, he continued his search for a hideout.

It didn't take long for him to stumble upon an abandoned house nestled amongst the trees. Despite its decrepit appearance, Alexander saw potential. Brushing off the initial shock of finding a half-eaten human body nearby, he chose to honor the fallen soul by giving them a proper burial. With a thoughtful prayer, he bid them farewell.

Determined to make the house habitable, Alexander rolled up his sleeves and got to work. He cleaned the dusty rooms and patched up the damages. In no time, the house looked almost livable. "Well, I suppose this will do for now," he said, admiring his handiwork.

The next morning, Alexander woke up to the chirping of birds and the warmth of the rising sun. With an empty stomach, he ventured out to scavenge for food. Luck was on his side as he managed to catch a few rabbits and wild chickens. As the intoxicating aroma of roasted meat filled the air, Alexander couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness. "It's really boring without someone to share a meal with," he muttered to himself, his grip tightening around his freshly-sharpened sword.

After an hour spent perfecting the sharpness of his blade, Alexander decided it was time to gather firewood. As he delved deeper into the forest, he stumbled upon another grisly scene - more human corpses. Shocked and wary, he hurriedly retreated back to his newly repaired home, barricading himself inside.

Locked away from the unknown dangers lurking outside, Alexander unsheathed his sword, preparing for the worst. Time seemed to drag on as he lay on his bed, waiting anxiously for the mysterious wolves to make their move. However, the expected attack never came.

"Frustrating wild dogs," he grumbled, unable to contain his annoyance. Unable to bear the restless silence any longer, he stormed outside, determined to confront the wolves head-on. But when he stepped foot outside, to his surprise, there was no sign of any imminent danger. Confusion clouded his thoughts until a kunai blade barely missed his face, hurtling past him.

Startled, Alexander's gaze darted towards the origin of the attack. A figure clad in wolf ears, a tail, and a metal mask covering their face descended from a nearby tree, landing gracefully before him.

"Who are you?" Alexander exclaimed, a mixture of anger and confusion evident in his voice.

The wolf-human, chuckled darkly. "Well, well, well, a blue-haired human. Can't say I've crossed paths with anyone like you before. I wonder if your flesh tastes different too?"

Alexander couldn't help but giggle at the absurdity of the situation, despite the danger. "I was expecting a wolf, not a cat boy," he quipped.

Hunter smirked. "I am a half-wolf. Catboys don't exist yet; we're in the 14 hundreds,wait how do i know-

Alexander smirked back, his nervousness ebbing away. "So, before I unleash my sword to tear you to shreda, what's your name?" he inquired, his tone challenging.

"Call me Hunter," came the swift reply.

Alexander readied his sword, prepared for the impending battle. "Well, Hunter, it seems we have a choice to make. Do we fight or have a truce?"

Hunter rushed towards Alexander with lightning speed, his movements graceful yet deadly.
Alexander:"Guess not"
Their clash was fierce, each blow landing with intense precision. The fight raged on for hours until both men dropped to the ground, battered and exhausted.

Panting heavily, Alexander couldn't help but applaud hunter, "Wow, my body really kicked into high gear with that adrenaline rush during the fight."

Hunter chuckled weakly, sweating profusely. "I never knew humans could possess such strength," he admitted between gasps.

Alexander's grin widened. "You thought all humans were weak? Talk about stereotyping,also could you try not consuming humans?"

Hunters face went blank for a moment:"why should I?"

Alexander puts his katana to hunters throat
Alexander:"need i say more?"

Hunter's froze up with fear, a spark of understanding present. "Alright, I'll try to refrain from consuming humans, but I won't make any promises," he said like an angry child.

With a nod of agreement, Alexander motioned for Hunter to follow him inside the house. As they settled down for the night - hunter curled up in a corner, and Alexander was lying on a bed - a glimmer of frienship emerged.
Little did they know, this unlikely duo would embark on a series of adventures,that could change them for the better or even for worse.

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