Chapter 4 : Training For Destiny

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After Alexander wakes up from being unconscious, he is confused to find himself in a giant arena. He looks around, calling out for Yael and Hunter.

"Yael? Hunter? Where am I?" he shouts, scanning the arena's walls which are covered in strange markings and drawings.

Yael appears before him, startling Alexander.

"Hello there, Young Hero," Yael greets him.

Alexander jumps a bit from surprise.

"Phew, it's just you. Anyways, where am I?" he asks.

Yael responds, "You are in the great Pantheon of Uranus."

Alexander starts giggling and rolls on the floor.

"Great Pantheon of Uranus? What's next, the Pantheon of I-C-U-P?" he says jokingly, still chuckling.

Yael, growing tired of Alexander's humor, uses telekinesis to throw him into the air and kicks him down, creating a crater where Alexander's body lands.

Alexander coughs up a bit of blood and appears confused as he lays there.

A few minutes pass, and Alexander forces himself to get up, despite being badly hurt.

"You may be an angel or something, but OW," he says angrily.

Yael sighs and looks at Alexander with a bored expression.

"Your spine isn't dislocated," Yael informs him.

Alexander protests, pointing at the crater.

"It is!! Look at that crater in the shape of my body. You can't say my back isn't-" Suddenly, Alexander's body heals itself.

"What the-" he exclaims.

"It is the power I promised you, and more will come," Yael explains.

Alexander looks at himself in shock and excitement.

"I can regenerate? YESS!" he jumps around the arena with excitement.

"Your training will start now," Yael states.

Alexander's expression shifts to one of determination and readiness.

"1000 push-ups, 500 sit-ups, 2500 jumping jacks, 250 burpees, and planking for 1 hour!" Yael orders.

Alexander is shocked and turns pale.

"T-t-that's all the exercises I have to do to become strong?" he asks, a little scared.

"That's just the start," Yael responds.

Alexander flops on the floor, pale.

"I j-j-just need a minute," he stammers.

After a couple of minutes, Alexander musters up the energy to start the exercises. He begins with the 1000 push-ups but, after an hour and 475 push-ups, his arms can barely move. He decides to move on to the 500 sit-ups, which he completes in 50 minutes.

Next, he starts doing jumping jacks, but after 1409, he is covered in sweat and exhausted. He takes a 30-minute break before finishing the jumping jacks. Then, he planks for 1 hour before taking another 30-minute break and completing the remaining 525 push-ups.

After reaching his goal, a satisfied Alexander falls on the floor and falls asleep.

Yael and Hunter walk into the arena, impressed and surprised by Alexander's accomplishment.

"I didn't believe he could accomplish this," Yael admits to Hunter.

Hunter, confused, responds, "Then why did you tell him to do it?"

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