Chapter 24 : Malfunction & Misinformation

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When Eleanor Teleported Frost to his workstation, He got frustrated and decided to work on his new project to spend his time.
While he was Working, Someone entered his room,
Frost: "Kaizo? I thought you had died"
Kaizo:"Well I was able to survive that punji stake"
Frost:"Well I wished you stayed dead, After what you did to me"
Kaizo grin faded as his teeth started grinding
"That was uncalled for.. And it was an accident"
Frost:"An accident that cost me my fucking arm!"
Frost pulls his sleeve up revealing his left arm is robotic
Kaizo continued grinding his teeth
"It was an accident.. Don't blame me"

Kaizo's facade of remorse quickly dissolved, revealing his true indifference toward Frost's suffering. He scoffed at Frost's accusation, his eyes betraying a cold detachment.

Kaizo with cold dead eyes looks at Frost
"Accident or not, Frost, what's done is done. You can't expect me to lose any sleep over your little mishap,"

Frost's jaw tightened, his frustration boiling over at Kaizo's selfishness "You're disgusting, Kaizo. I should have known better than to think you'd care about anyone but yourself."

Kaizo shrugged, nonchalantly looking at the ceilling and tapping his foot, if the conversation bored him.
"You're just bitter because you couldn't keep up, Frost. Don't blame me for your failures."

With a bitter taste in his mouth, Frost turned back to his work, realizing that any hope of humanizing with Kaizo was futile.

The next day when Frost went to Eleanor's house KKaizoentered Frost's workshop, he looked around and took some of Frost's books and blueprints then he noticed a frosts newest invention an robotic arm with sentience

Kaizo felt envy he didn't want Frost to be a better inventor than him so he spent the entire day creating a virus for Frost's project, he knew if he destroyed it mannualy frost would no doubt know it's him

When Frost returned To pick up the software he was gonna use for his project which was a new robotic arm he was working on
He implanted it, but the arm didn't listen to him, It started rapid firing everywhere and even jumped off of
Frost and began spinning destroying the entire room before frost was able to deactivate it

Suddenly the manager of that Facility came
"Frost. You were goofing off again with one of your stupid little gadgets weren't you, this is the 4th time I've warned you, You will be prohibited from making any more weapons and if you do not comply it would result in lowering your Rank and getting rid of your workshop"

Frost was shocked he knew it wasn't his fault the arm malfunctioned
"Yes boss I comply"

Frost felt a mixture of frustration and injustice as the manager reprimanded him for something he didn't intentionally cause. Kaizo's sabotage had not only damaged his reputation but also put his entire career at risk. As the manager walked away,

Frost clenched his fists, vowing to uncover the truth behind the malfunction and clear his name. But deep down, he knew that confronting Kaizo would only lead to more trouble. With a heavy heart, he began cleaning up the wreckage, his mind consumed with thoughts of revenge

After a few minutes Kaizo with his devilish smirk walked in
"Another failure huh?. You are pathetic at everything you do"

Frost gritted his teeth, his anger simmering beneath the surface as Kaizo mocked him once again. He resisted the urge to lash out, knowing that any reaction would only fuel Kaizo's satisfaction.

Frost:"Save your breath, Kaizo. You'll get what's coming to you,"  through clenched teeth, his voice dripping with barely contained anger.

Kaizo chuckled, relishing in Frost's frustration. "Oh, I'm shaking in my boots, Frost. You're all bark and no bite."

With a deep breath, Frost forced himself to remain composed, his mind racing with plans for payback. He couldn't let Kaizo get away with sabotaging his work and ruining his reputation.

As Kaizo sauntered out of the room, Frost's determination hardened. He knew he had to outsmart Kaizo at his own game. With renewed determination, Frost began plotting his revenge, determined to restore his honor and prove himself as the superior inventor.

Frost spent countless hours meticulously devising his revenge plan, poring over every detail to ensure its success. He knew he had to strike Kaizo where it would hurt the most - his ego and his reputation.

First, Frost began by discreetly gathering evidence of Kaizo's past indiscretions, digging through old files and conversations to uncover any dirt that could be used against him. He unearthed a trail of deceit and manipulation, evidence that Kaizo had a history of sabotaging colleagues and taking credit for their work.

Armed with this damning information, Frost formulated a plan to expose Kaizo's true colors to the rest of the scientific community. He meticulously crafted a series of anonymous emails and messages, carefully planting seeds of doubt and suspicion about Kaizo's integrity.

Meanwhile, Frost continued to work on his own projects, pouring his heart and soul into his inventions despite the constant shadow of Kaizo's sabotage looming over him. He refused to let Kaizo's actions derail his dreams and aspirations.

Weeks passed, and Frost's revenge plot slowly began to unfold. Whispers of Kaizo's questionable behavior began to circulate among their peers, casting a dark cloud over his once impeccable reputation. Colleagues who had once praised Kaizo's brilliance now questioned his motives and integrity.

Kaizo, unaware of Frost's involvement in his downfall, grew increasingly paranoid as the whispers grew louder. He frantically tried to salvage his reputation, but each attempt only seemed to further incriminate him.

Meanwhile, Frost watched from the sidelines, his satisfaction growing with each blow to Kaizo's ego. He knew that justice was finally being served, and he reveled in the sweet taste of vindication.

But just as Frost thought his revenge was complete, Kaizo struck back with a vengeance of his own. Using his considerable influence and resources, Kaizo orchestrated a smear campaign against Frost, accusing him of sabotage and incompetence.

Frost's world crumbled around him as his colleagues turned against him, believing Kaizo's lies without question. He was stripped of his rank and privileges, his reputation tarnished beyond repair.

Devastated but undeterred, Frost refused to give up. With nothing left to lose, he doubled down on his efforts to expose Kaizo's true nature once and for all. He gathered whatever evidence he could find, determined to clear his name and restore his honor.

As the battle between Frost and Kaizo reached its climax, the truth finally came to light. With irrefutable evidence of Kaizo's deceit and manipulation, Frost was exonerated and reinstated to his former position.

Kaizo, exposed as the fraud he truly was, was cast out from the E.C.A.E foundation, his reputation irreparably damaged. And as Frost stood victorious, surrounded by his peers who had once doubted him, he knew that justice had finally been served.

But amidst the chaos and turmoil, Frost couldn't help but wonder if the price of revenge had been worth it. He had lost friends, colleagues, and even a part of himself along the way. And as he looked back on the events that had unfolded, he realized that sometimes, the true cost of victory was far greater than he could have ever imagined.

As Kaizo was walking through the forest to his old abandoned home A gargoyle swooped past him
And suddenly Ashley appeared
"Hey.. I heard your a good inventor"
Kaizo:"I am. Who's asking? "
Ashley:"I am.. Ashley tsugukuni and I need your help"
Kaizo:"Tsugukuni.. That old clan from legend? "
Ashley:"It's real and I don't care if you don't believe me I just need to get you to build us more weapons"
Kaizo:"I can but for a price"
Ashley:"Name it"
Kaizo:"I need a place to live and 60-100M yen"

Ashley sighed realizing Kaizo was a greedy bastard
Kaizo:"So we got a deal?"
Ashley:"We do"

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