Chapter 28 : Planning Revenge

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As Alexander is hanging out with Evelyn's team June is planning her next assault

June:"Damnit.. I can't come up with a good plan of attack"
Ashley:"Maybe we could use Alice as a hostage"
June:"Alice is nearly dead, yesterday her body couldnt handle the deformation so theres no shot she will make it even a another month "
Ashley:"So... Then I don't know.. Maybe another gargoyle creature? "
June:"Those things are weak they can be used as distractions but now That brat Alexander can cut through them like butter"

Ashley sighed, biting her lip at the distain of her brother
"I wish that Traitor stayed dead"
June gently grabbed Ashley and started stroking her hair
"Someone as beautiful as you should have such a Annoying brother"
Ashley blushes covering her face
"Can.. You please stop? "
June:"Why should I? "
Ashley:"I don't know.. I just feel very exhausted when you touch me.."
Every time June touched ashley she felt exhausted she didnt know while June enjoyed touching her skin this much

June let's go of Ashley and continues brainstorming ideas
Ashley decided to go to bed then when she woke up she went to June again

June paced back and forth, her mind racing with possibilities. "We need something unexpected, something they won't see coming," she muttered to herself.

Ashley, still flustered from June's touch, tried to focus on the task at hand. "What about... what about a psychological attack? Something to mess with their heads?"

June paused, considering the idea. "That could work... but what?"

Ashley's eyes widened as an idea formed in her mind. "What if we... What if we make them doubt each other? Plant seeds of distrust and paranoia?"

June smirked, impressed by Ashley's suggestion. "That's diabolical... I love it."

Together, they began to craft a plan, weaving lies and deception into a web designed to tear apart the bonds of friendship and trust within Alexander's group.

Meanwhile, Alexander and Evelyn's team were unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows. They continued to train and prepare for the inevitable confrontation with June and her followers.

As they honed their skills and strengthened their resolve, a subtle tension began to build among them. Small disagreements escalated into heated arguments, and doubts crept into their minds.

Alexander, sensing the growing discord, tried to intervene, but his efforts only seemed to exacerbate the situation. Evelyn, normally the voice of reason, found herself struggling to keep the peace.

Unknown to them, June's plan was working flawlessly. Each member of Alexander's team began to suspect the others, questioning their motives and loyalty.

Paranoia spread like wildfire, fueling the flames of conflict. Trust shattered, leaving only fear and uncertainty in its wake.

In the midst of the chaos, June launched her assault. With her followers at her side, she descended upon Alexander's team, catching them off guard.

The battle was fierce and brutal, fueled by hatred and betrayal. Friend fought against friend, each believing the other to be a traitor.

In the chaos, Alexander and Evelyn found themselves back to back, surrounded by enemies on all sides. They fought with all their strength, refusing to give in to despair.

But despite their best efforts, they were outnumbered and outmatched. June's forces overwhelmed them, driving them back with relentless ferocity.

Just when all hope seemed lost, a voice cut through the chaos. It was Ashley, standing alone amidst the carnage.

"I won't let you hurt them," she declared, her eyes blazing with determination.

June:"I'm sorry Ashley but you can't stand in my way! "
Ashley got cut in half then woke up sweating in her bed
Realizing it might not be a good idea to work with June

Then June walks in the room
"Did you have a nightmare? "
Ashley:"Yeah an awful one" she says as she still shaking and jittering from the realistic feeling of getting cut in half
June:"while you were sleeping I went out to their base and found
Hallucinna it's a type of flower that attracts animals and causes anger and violent behavior.. Also nightmares I'd humans come in contact with it"

Ashley:"What? "
June:"Yeah it is everywhere in the forest and near their bases... I bet one or maybe even more of them is having violent nightmares as we speak and I so happen know the cure"
Ashley got up from her bed
"So that means we can Blackmail some of them into working for us"
June:"Exacky! "
Ashley:"So the only thing we have to do is just wait? "
June:"Yeah so what do you wanna do? "
Ashley:"Can you give me the cure? I had a bad nightmare"
June:"Sure Honeyy~"
June went into the kitchen and got a cup of tea high she then drank"
June then kisses Ashley baby birds it too her
Ashley face turns red, and she falls on the bed and covers herself in blankets
June:"You get so flustered Ashley"
After that Kaizo returns

June:"So did you upgrade our newest project? "
Kaizo:"Yeah That monster will definitely do a lot of damage to the 'E.C.A.E foundation' "
He laughs
June:"So when will it be fully operational? "
Kaizo:"In a few days it still has to learn how to use its weapons"

The tension between June's group and Alexander's team is escalating, with psychological warfare and physical confrontations looming. Ashley's nightmare gives them insight into June's sinister plans involving hallucinogenic flowers, setting the stage for further manipulation and conflict. With Kaizo's return and their monstrous creation nearing completion, the stakes are higher than ever.

With June's manipulation tactics and the introduction of hallucinogenic flowers, things are getting even more complicated. And it looks like Ashley might be reconsidering her alliance with June after that unsettling dream. But with Kaizo's return and the looming threat of the monstrous creation, it seems like the tension is only going to escalate further.

Ashley:"So what is this monster you guys are working on? "
Kaizo:"You wanna see it? "
Ashley gets up puts her chain sword around her waist and goes outside where there is a giant empty field
Ashley:"So where is it? "
Kaizo:"Wait a bit.. "

Suddenly large stomps can be heard as the creature knocks down dozens of trees It was covered in a tarp then when the creature gets on the field it screens thrashing itself to remove the tarp then when the tarp falls off its revealed that it's a giant Gargoyle covered in metal and other weapons such as Firearms and Containers for Elemental energy, The creature looked horrifying and it was huge but June was looking excited while staring at the creature

June:"This thing will destroy all of our enemies.. "
As everyone went back inside The creature sat down causing a loud thud.. Then it looked at the trees slowly calming down realizing it was alone.. It wanted to escape June didn't care about it.. She only wanted to abuse it for its power she tortured it by putting it through these 'upgrades'
The creature decided to when they fall asleep to try and run away

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