Chapter 43 : Mission Closed

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As everyone began to get treatment and started resting at one of the E.C.A.E medical facilities, Alexander looked up at the sky while waiting outside for Frost. Just then, a bruised and beaten Captain Marsalu came out, covered in stitches.

"Wow, dude, what happened to you? You weren't this messed up last time I saw you."

Captain Marsalu chuckled before sitting down on a bench. "My muscles tightened up to prevent internal injuries during the fight. And since I can't heal myself using Arcane, I had to get patched up."

Alexander paused, looking at Captain Marsalu with a puzzled expression. "Arcane? What's that? I don't think I've heard about it before. I mean, I saw some books about it at Eleanor's place, but that's it."

Captain Marsalu chuckled again, cracking his knuckles. "Why do you think your ice power doesn't always work? Elements need a source of energy, and that source is Arcane. It's a natural element that a few have in their body, but most people can master it with proper training. Folks like me don't have much Arcane, though."

Alexander looked even more confused and raised an eyebrow. "If it's so important, why didn't anyone tell me about it? Maybe if I knew, I could’ve made my powers more reliable."

Captain Marsalu coughed before standing up and walking around a nearby tree. "Arcane can be a curse. If you overuse it, it can cause internal damage. If your body runs out of Arcane, it'll start drawing from your internal organs or blood."

Alexander looked thoughtful. "But I can regenerate... Does that mean I have infinite Arcane?"

Captain Marsalu's eyes widened as he leaned against the tree. "Oh dear god... If that's true, you might be the strongest member of the E.C.A.E."

Eleanor appeared behind Captain Marsalu, her jaw dropping. "Oh my god... How could we have missed that?"

Captain Marsalu tried to calm her. "If we had told Hunter, he probably would have killed himself trying to test it. That form he was in nearly gave me a heart attack."

Eleanor then teleported them into her room and brought out several books about Arcane energy, throwing them on a table in front of Alexander. "You're going to read these thoroughly, and if you do well, I might give you a reward later," she said, blushing and winking.

Captain Marsalu raised an eyebrow as Alexander started reading intently. Eleanor continued, "And don't forget, there are three types of Arcane energy. Jikan, which is reality  manipulation—that's my specialty since I can create portals. Zairyo,  for  Materials. And Yoso, For Element," she added with a cocky grin.

Captain Marsalu crossed his arms. "Don't get too cocky. We all know you're the weakest person in the roo—" He stopped as Eleanor turned around with a death stare. "I mean, the second weakest in the room."

Alexander looked up from the book, eyes wide with the overwhelming amount of information. "So, I have to figure out which type of Arcane I can use?"

Eleanor nodded, her stern expression softening slightly. "Exactly. Given your regenerative abilities, Yoso Arcane seems most likely. It's crucial you learn to harness it correctly, or it could end up consuming you."

Captain Marsalu nodded in agreement. "It's all about balance. Arcane can be a powerful ally, but it demands respect. Remember, it's not just about power; it's about control."

Alexander took a deep breath, flipping through the pages of the ancient-looking tome. "Alright, let's do this. If I have infinite Arcane, then I'll learn to master it, not let it master me."

Eleanor smiled, her confidence in Alexander unwavering. "Good. Start by understanding the basics, then we’ll move on to practical exercises. And remember, we're here to support you."

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