Chapter 20 : Last stand

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After they decided on a plan of action, Captain Sobaru and Eleanor went to the east side of the giant box. Alexander was hiding behind a tree and signaled them to start the action. June shouted taunts, while Eleanor created a portal near the building where Captain Marsalu was hanging on a golden rope. Captain Marsalu went through the portal and began killing the gargoyle guards with his abyssal armor, decapitating one and throwing explosive kunai at the others. Then he set a bomb on the left side of the box. He was spotted as Hunter pulled him through the portal, and Eleanor closed it. Sobaru summoned plants to suffocate the gargoyles that saw them, while Alexander, with the help of Eleanor's portals, set up two bombs before running off. June spotted him.
June: "There you are, you blue beetle."
Alexander's mind: "Remember, Alex, lure her away from the box."

Then June slammed full force onto the ground, crushing Alexander's tail. She then slashed open his gut as he retaliated by impaling her jaw. He dashed away, bandaging up his wounds with the medical kit he was carrying in his backpack. June chased after him. Alexander tried hiding behind a tree while June cut everything down looking for him. Then she heard him breathing and threw the blade of agony through a tree, impaling Alexander through the heart. She grabbed him by the hair and slit his throat, but Alexander grabbed June and lodged the blade of agony through his body into hers. Then he jumped down and kicked June in the face swiftly before sending an ice blast into her arm, freezing it. She sent a powerful strike, cutting down half the forest.

The adrenaline rushed to Alexander's legs as he kicked June a hundred meters away and sprinted off.

Meanwhile, Hunter, Eleanor, Frost, and the captains started an assault on the gargoyles. Frost and Hunter tag-teamed the east side. Frost froze a few hundred and used his laser blast to annihilate a few more. Hunter then broke the frozen gargoyles and kicked the ice shards towards the others. Captain Marsalu and Kotaro struggled with the humongous gargoyles guarding the bombs.
Captain Marsalu: "We need to input the codes!"

Captain Marsalu launched himself at the first gargoyle brute and wrestled with it as it tried hitting him. Its punches were so powerful that the air formed small explosions when it attacked. Meanwhile, Captain Kotaro attempted to input the codes, but another gargoyle brute slammed onto him. He shielded himself inside a rose bush, which thorns got stuck in the gargoyle's arm and grew deep. The gargoyle ripped its own arm off and regenerated, continuing to attack him. As another brute appeared, nearly squashing Kotaro, Captain Sobaru then appeared using his new technique.
Captain Sobaru: "The Realm of Shadows... INFERNAL DAMNATION!"

Captain Sobaru began to slice through the brute like butter and dashed so fast that he decapitated exactly 250 gargoyles. Meanwhile, Eleanor used her portals to slice the gargoyles in half. When a gargoyle grabbed her and she couldn't open her hands to make a portal, Hunter melted the gargoyle's body with his golden spear.

Then Hunter began to tear through the gargoyles as Frost froze the terrain around them, causing the gargoyles to fail most of their diving attacks. Captain Marsalu killed the gargoyle brute, inputted the code, and then they all ran as the giant box exploded, killing all the gargoyles near it and causing everything to be painted pink with gargoyle blood.

Then the box opens up, revealing hundreds of orbs made of flesh. They fuse together, creating a giant creature that is so disturbing it paralyzes everyone but Hunter. The creature immediately deforms into a centipede and begins attacking everyone. Hunter tries to block the attacks but gets launched into a mountain, while Captain Marsalu is able to throw an explosive kunai into one of the creature's eyes. Eleanor and Captain Kotaro barrage the creature with portals and vines.

The creature then transforms into a giant squid, grabbing and squeezing everyone but Hunter and Frost. Frost launches Hunter on top of an ice blast aimed at the creature's face, and Hunter is able to free Eleanor. Eleanor uses her portals to make the creature hit itself. The captains then combine their power into their Tri Attack.

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