Chapter 35 : Warfare Pt2

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After they noticed all the gargoyles coming towards them,
Kai: "You guys are insane. There's no way we can beat that many! We're outnumbered!! We should just retreat." Eleanor made a portal, and Kai, along with the rest of Evelyn's team, went towards it,

but Gama spoke up.
"So what about our fallen allies? Do they mean nothing to you?" They all stopped as Kai turned around. "Exactly!! They died. We shouldn't die either, that would just be wasting the loss of their lives!"
Gama:"So what? We should just dishonor them by running away like cowards? They fought so we could stay alive! Now we fight to make sure their memories stay alive!"
Gama got into a battle-ready position. "They sacrificed themselfs for us!! Now it's our turn to repay them!!!."

"Gama's speech inspired the rest of the team, and they stood their ground beside him. Gama went on the offensive against the gargoyles, crushing and stomping them into the ground, his mechanical arm wreaking havoc upon the gargoyles as he cut them down one after another. The mutants followed behind, their numbers adding to the destruction being inflicted upon the opposing forces."

"Captain Saboru and Alexander stepped up to join the battle, their immense strength and agility proving to be vital against the gargoyles. With their arrival, the tide of the battle slowly began to turn. Saboru wielded his sword with swift and precise attacks, while Isamu's arrows pierced through the gargoyle's armor, dealing devastating damage. The three worked in perfect unison, their weapons cutting through the gargoyle's forces with unstoppable precision. The gargoyle's numbers were still overwhelming, but with the reinforcements now joining the fight, the battle became much more evenly matched."

"Eleanor, Kai, and Gekido saw the incoming onslaught and immediately rushed forward to join the fight. Their speed and agility was a great boost to the team, their sharp blades and strong magic devastating the opposing forces. The gargoyle army was now facing four warriors fighting with incredible skill and power, the odds of their victory rapidly decreasing. The gargoyles sent their large, octopus gargoyle and giant octopus mermaid to fight the reinforcements, but the additional forces more than made up for their lack. Kai and Alexander tore through the giant octopus mermaid's tentacles with their blades, their speed overwhelming it."

Meanwhile, Gekido unleashed barrages of light bolts at the octopus gargoyle, his magic shredding through the gargoyle's thick skin and dealing devastating damage. The gargoyle fought back with giant tentacles of its own, flailing wildly in every direction in an attempt to crush and smash the warriors, but the team remained unfazed, their speed and power far too much for the gargoyle to handle. With such a great disadvantage against them, the gargoyle eventually succumbed to the warriors' unrelenting onslaught

Captain Marsalu charged forward, his Abyssal Armor protecting him as he quickly closed the distance between himself and a giant gargoyle. The giant gargoyle came at Marsalu with a flurry of heavy swings and slams, trying to crush the captain under its overwhelming power. But the captain was relentless, his heavy armor shielding him as he swung his Abyssal Blade mercilessly, cutting deep dents into the giant gargoyle's armor. The gargoyle swung a massive fist, but the captain raised his blade to block the attack and quickly retaliated with a powerful strike of his own that cut deep into the gargoyle's chest

The gargoyle staggered backwards from the hit, its strength failing it as it grew weaker and weaker due to the captain's relentless attack. The captain wasn't giving it any time to recover, pressing his advantage and cutting deeper and deeper into the gargoyle's flesh, his Abyssal Armor allowing him to keep going without fear of the giant's strikes. The gargoyle eventually fell to the ground, the captain taking no pause in his assault, continuing to cut and slice until the gargoyle lay lifeless on the ground

Suddenly ashley came to the battlefield jumping off a tree and hitting captain marsalu sith her mace sword
"Long time no see marcy"
Captai marsalu impaled her with a kunai
"I told you not to call me that traitor"
As the kunai was about to explode she ripped it out and threw it back at him
"I know all your tricks.."
She then lunged at him with her mace sword so he hit her in the gut with his abbysal blades

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