Grumpy beginnings

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Pain. That was the first thing and only thing I felt.
Yeah sure some other emotions have come while others have left but pain was always there, if loyal was a person pain would be it for me.

I've been in the maze for 3 years and counting. My day constants of waking up, eating, running, eating, more running, more eating, shower, then bed. Pretty much the same thing everyday for 3 years. Now yes a bunch of other things have happened that impacted me a lot...
which I should probably tell you about so buckle up. No like seriously buckle up it's crazy....

Waking up on cold hard concrete was something I never want to do again. Especially with a splitting headache.

I shoot up coughing up water that made my lungs fill like they were on fire.
Where the heck am I? I ask myself
I take a second to breathe and calm down a bit.

I push my hand against a wall and finally I am able to stand up. I look at my surroundings, I'm surrounded by walls. Concrete walls with ivy. Nice...

I try to re gain my thoughts when I finally realize I basically have none. No thoughts. No family. No siblings. No name. Then why the heck can I remember what concrete is?!

Ok just think. Think Reyna think.
My name it's Reyna at least I think

"Ok reyna, what else" I ask myself outloud
My voice sounds weird can't remember the last time I heard it. HA. That was a good one.

I look down at my feet to see I have a bag with me. Where the heck did that come from?

I pick up the bag and start to look through it. Water that's useful. Some food. Bandages. Flashlight. Watch and an extra shirt. Ok who put those in there? Gosh Reyna stop asking questions you know won't get answered!!

"Ok it looks like it will last a day or two so that's good" I say
I look around again throw my bag over my shoulder and start walking. I had no other ideas besides walking so we are just going to roll with it.

I've been walking for about 30 minutes now and i have come to the conclusion I'm in a maze. Literally a big freaking maze.

"WHO MAKES A MAZE THIS BIG?! Gosh whoever did this is so annoying." I yell as I talk to myself

How am I going to get out of here.
I keep walking and walking and walking. The sun is slowly starting to go down, it will probably get darker in here sooner bc the walls will block the sun. Maybe that's why I have a flashlight.

I decided to sit and eat for a bit to have a little "dinner".
As I am eating I heard a loud gush of wind before another loud noises I can't make out.

I stand up and look around where I'm sitting but ofc I find nothing. I am going to say that sound is a normal occurrence for now.

I finish eating very quickly and start walking again. As I'm walking I hear a very loud noise it definitely didn't sound the same as the first one and it sounded a lot closer to me, whatever that was I don't want to be near it so I do the normal thing anyone would do and start running. I try to get as far away from the noise as possible.

2 hours later I'm still running. The noise sounds like it's everywhere. And to my surprise I'm not even tired, maybe running was my type of thing before I woke up here. Who knows.

I start to round another corner when I see a uhhh... this big... uhhh thing I guess? it looks like a spider with some weird slimy mosquito body. Weird eyes and it's mouth oh I might throw up. But thats not even the worst part, I make eye contact with this thing. And that's when I realize It also has a stinger like thing. Like a scorpion but it's a metal needle. Right as I'm about to take off running it starts to charge at me so ofc I take off too.

This stupid thing is roaring at me while following way to close. I'm doing my best to lose it and turning corners as fast as I can. When the walls start to freaking move!!!! What the shit!!!!
Now I'm trying not to turn into a pancake and trying to escape a monster. How much freaking fun. But that's when I get an idea.

I see a turn the corner to see two walls closing, perfect. I had some time so I turn grab a rock and scream
"COME AT ME YOU BIG BITCH" I yelled while throwing the rock. And let me tell you it did not slow down one bit. I try to time it just right then take off running. I start to run through the wall as they close in. It's getting pretty small when I'm almost at the end but I feel a sharp pain in my leg. Doing my best to ignore it I keep running. I finally get to the end of it and fall on my face.
I turn around and realize it must have turned back around after it cut me. I timed it to soon.

Oh well I'm just glad I got away from it.

I hear it do it's weird roar again then get up and start running. I want to get far away from here before I try to clean my wound.

I don't even know how long I ran before I decided it should be far enough.
I sit down and pull the bandages and water out of my bag.
Well shit maybe whoever put me here knew about those damn things so that's why they gave me bandages. Meanys.

Luckily the cut is not to big but it's still pretty deep considering it hasn't stopped bleeding. Honestly surprised I haven't bleed out yet.

I hiss as I pour water on it and start to wrap it. I clean up a few more cuts on my arms and face.

I quickly ate and drank some water then I get up and started moving again. Every step hurts but I do not want to meet any more of those things so I have to keep moving.

As I'm walking and haven't heard any more noises yet my mind starts to wonder off as normal.

What should I call those things. Uhhh monsters no to original. Umm ugly spider scorpion misquote dog. Yeah no what even is that name? Ehhh i don't know, wait maybe griever. Kinda sounded like it was grieving with that stupid noise it was making when I found it. I will go with that, griever is a good enough name.

The sun finally started to come back up and luckily I didn't run into anymore of them. But I am extremely exhausted. My legs are on fire and I can't feel my throat. I ran out of water not to long ago, probably wasn't the smartest to waist most of it on my leg but it's fine right?

I've heard another noise and when I tell you I was ready to sprint so fast. But once I listened to it more I realized it sounded the same as the first sound I heard. Like before the grievers. Hopefully that means those things are gone.

I have been walking for what feels like forever. I'm making no progress with this maze. Plus I feel like I'm walking in circles.

But ofc out of the blue I round a corner and I see a big patch of grass. Trees. Boxes, and a few animals. Where the heck was this yesterday

"Man I wish I would have found this yesterday" I mumbled to myself

I walk in and start spinning slowly taking in the view. It's pretty, wayyyy better than the maze. I look at the opening that I came in at.
I wonder if those close. Cause they honestly look like doors. I'm deep in thought when I hear something behind me. I spin around so fast I felt like I was about to fall over.

I expected to see some other type of monster that I would have to fight off or run from... but I was only met with two boys.....

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