I should've stayed in bed

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Gasping awake drenched in sweat has become second nature for me

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Gasping awake drenched in sweat has become second nature for me. But this time I woke up with one name.


I don't even know what to think at this point. The boy I loved was... Thomas... the greenie.
Oh I'm going to have a headache the rest of the day. Doing everything in my power to ignore the dream I got up and meet Minho and Ben at the doors

It's mid day when I heard a noise. I quickly stopped and listened till I realized it was a griever that made that noise. Why is it out during the day? The last time this happened was when... oh gosh

I take off running I can't go back to the glade just in case it follows me so I just need to keep out of sight for now. Hopefully run into Minho and Ben so I can warn them about it.

I ran the sections Minho and Ben were running  today but I didn't find them at all.
I prayed that they didn't run into the griever.
It's still really early but I haven't heard a noise in a while so it should be safe to go back.

I make it back to the glade and don't even stop running. I need to tell Alby.

"Newt!" I yell
"Where's alby?!" I yell again
"Over there some where! Why?" He points and yells back but I don't even bother to answer I hair keep running to where he pointed.

I see alby and once he sees me he knew something was wrong.

"Reyna? Reyna what is it what's wrong?" He ask

I didn't even get a word out before I heard a scream
I turn to see Thomas running out of the trees with Ben right on his tale. Oh no. Not Ben.

I take off towards them and tackle Ben off of Thomas.
Ben is a lot stronger than he was before so he was able to pin me down and start to choke me.

"You did this Reyna!! This is your fault! You are the reason everyone is dead!!" He yells at me
"Ben... please" I choke out before he is hit in the head by newt.

I gasp for air and quickly am helped up by Chuck

"Reyna are you ok?!" He asks
"Yeah yeah I'm ok." I say as I keep my eyes on Ben

"What happened?!" Alby demands
"He just attacked me!!" Thomas says getting up still shocked
I joined alby side when I say
"Lift his shirt"
They lift his shirt. And it was exactly what I thought it was going to be. A griever sting.

"Griever? In the middle of the day?" Gally asks
"Put him in the pit" alby ignores gallys question
They all hesitate
"I said put him in the pit!" He says a little louder

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