First comes chaos then comes order

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That next morning I woke up to screaming

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That next morning I woke up to screaming. My instincts kick in, I jump out of my bed and run to where George is.

When I get there I see George standing up.
He had black veins all over him. His eyes were black and black blood was dripping from his mouth.

I slowly walk closer to him with my hands up
Mostly everyone is behind me from hearing him scream

"George. Hey George it's me, it's Reyna" I say calmly
I looked like he calm down a little bit so I got closer.
But that was a bad decision. Right as I was close enough he junked at me. Threw me to the ground choking me.
"George!" I tried to speak

"YOU DID THIS!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! You are one of them!!! You created all of this!!!" George screamed at me. Slamming my head on the ground over and over again.
I heard yelling around me then I started to see black dots form. But as soon as they came he was pulled off of me. I gasped for air as someone helped me up.

I look up to see three boys trying to hold him down. Alby had a bow and arrow pointing it at George.

Then reality hit me.
This is what happens when you get stung. You become something you're not.
A monster.
No. Not George.

I walked over to alby stumbling a little.
Ably was focused of George not even turning to see who was next to him.

"Alby give me the bow" I say
He finally looks at me.
He knew what had to happen. He nodded and handed it to me.

George was fighting against the three boys trying to get out of their hold.

Lifting up the arrow u said
He snapped his head looking at me.
Mumbling something I couldn't understand

"George I don't want to do this. Please stop so I don't have this." I say with tears in my eyes
"George please. Please don't."
There was a moment of silence before he charged at me breaking free from their grip
"YOU!!!!" Off of instinct I let go. The arrow went flying at him. Hitting him straight in the heart. He looked at it before falling.

I killed George.
I killed one of my first friends.

No one moved. No one even blinked.

Tears were flowing out of my eyes as I walked over to him. I checked his heart beat.
Nothing. He was dead.

I try my best to even take a breath in.
I look over at alby.

"Someone go get a shovel and blankets now.. please." I say trying to keep my voice from breaking

I covered him with blankets as some boys picked him up.

We walked into the woods and dug a hole. We placed him in and started to cover it back up.

Alby grabbed a piece of wood and carved "George" into it and placed it down.

After a while it was just alby and I at the grave.

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