Leave me alone punks

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Boys. Two boys.

Well I'm not alone so that's good, but how do I know they didn't out me in there?

We all three stared at each other for like felt like a year before I spoke up and said

"Ummm who are you?" I ask
"Uhhh i don't know I don't remember" one boy answers with a shrug. What???
"Who are you?" The other one asks
"No I'm asking the questions here. Tell me who you are right now or I will kill you both myself so I won't have to worry about it" I snap.
Where the heck did that come from?! Why would I threaten the only other people here?

"Ok look we will explain everything we know but you have to tell us who you are after. Deal?" One of the boys said
I just look at him. I mean what can I lose
"Deal" I say

They both look at each other before one of them spoke up.

"Ok, we both work up in that box cage thing over there" he points behind him and I see there is literally a box randomly in the middle of the whole thing.

"We woke up in there and none of us remember anything. Nothing, not even are names or family. The cage was moving upwards. We both were petrified going somewhere we didn't know with some random person next to us in there.
We had creates in there with us along with a few animals. When the box finally stopped it took us a minute but we got the courage to open it up. And when we did we were here.
After we talked for a bit and decided to trust each other considering we both knew nothing we walked around to find out there are showers, bathrooms, and a small kitchen already built which is all very very creepy. Then after that we took the animals and the creates out of the box, slept on the ground last night. Woke up ate some food then you stumbled in. That's our story, nothing much to it but it's the truth" he finishes

Ok wow. Ummm I mean it sounds believable because there's no way he could have come up with all that so quickly if it wasn't true right? Plus it's not as bad as mine

"So y'all don't even remember your names?" i ask
"Nope nothing. I know what a box, grass, and sky is but no name. you're turn" the other boy said to me
"Gosh where to start, well ummm I woke up the same as yall no memory about family or anything but I do remember my name. And unlike you I woke up in there"  I said as I pointed to the opening to the maze. They both just stared at me in shock

"I had this backpack  don't ask me where I got it because I don't know it was just there when I woke up. I started walking around found out it's a big freaking maze in there. Heard a loud wind like noise then these grievers i guess started coming out-"
"Wait what grievers?" One big cuts me off to ask
"Oh yeah my bad, they are these big ugly spider mosquito scorpion dog looking thing. Creepy face, very loud. They make this weird noise that makes them kinda sound like they are grieving so I named them grievers. Trust me if you spent a minute up in this mind you would understand why I had time to name them" I answered him
They both just nodded there heads

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