So maybe im not okay

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I meet alby over by the pit to get Ben out

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I meet alby over by the pit to get Ben out.

Ably hands me what I need before walking off to the doors. I walk over to the pit Ben is in and open it up

"You did this. You did this to us." He kept mumbling over and over again while I tried my best to ignore him

We finally reach the doors and I push him to his knees to cut the rope on his hands. I throw a water bottle into the maze and walk back as alby hands me my pole. I look over my shoulder to see Thomas there. And next to him is chuck.
I make eye contact with Chuck and he knows I was telling him not to watch. So he walked off leaving Thomas there.

We hear the gush of wind and the doors start to close

"Poles!" Alby yells
"Move in!"

We start to push Ben into the maze as the doors close
"No please!! Please no I'll change! I promise! Reyna please! Minho! I'm begging you!" He cry's

"Push him in!!" Alby yells
We start to push him in to the point where he has no choice but to go into the maze.
He makes eye contact with me right as the doors close in front of us.

Minho and I go and put our hands on the doors out of respect of are fellow runner. I let a single tear fall down my face before I wipe it off quickly. I turn to see Thomas just staring at me as alby puts his hand on his shoulder.

I start to walk back and don't even look at Thomas. I just needed to be alone.

I have a spot in the woods that no one else knows about. And It's far enough where no one can hear me sing.

I sit down at the bottom of a tree and start to sing hoping it takes the pain away.

"You can't take my past.
You can't take my history.
You could take my pa,
But his name's a mystery.
Nothing you can take from me was ever worth keeping.
You can't take my charm.
You can't take my humor.
You can't take my wealth,
'Cause it's just a rumor.
Nothing you can take from me was ever worth keeping.
Thinking you're so fine.
Thinking you can have mine.
Thinking you're in control.
Thinking you'll change me, maybe rearrange me.
Think again, if that's your goal,
You can't take my sass.
You can't take my talking.
You can kiss my ass
And then keep on walking.
Nothing you can take from me was ever worth keeping."

And right as I finish I hear a twig snap
I turn around to see Thomas standing there
"You have a beautiful voice" he says
"What are you doing here?" I snap
"I came to ask if you are ok" he says
"I mean like with Ben. Are you ok after what just happened?" He says
"I don't think I've been ok for a while now" I say
"Do you want to talk about it?" He says
"Talk about what?" I snap
"My very first friend dying because I had to kill him? Constantly worrying about which friend will die next. trying to keep hope that we will get out of here. having this crushing feeling of having to act fine all the time bc if I don't then everything else will fall apart. when I'm not! I'm not fine! Not even close! But I have to be because i have to be fine for everyone here!" I say crying

He doesn't even waste a moment to pull me into a hug
"I'm so sorry Rey" he says and I hold him tighter

I cry into his shoulder for a minute before
I finally break away and wipe my tears
"Thank you" I say
He just nods at me with a smile
We stare at each other for a while before I say
"We should head back. Albys probably already telling people to turn in for the night" I let out a nervous chuckle

We walk back together, I go tell Chuck goodnight and fall right asleep

"Reyna. Listen to me. You are everything we need. Just come with us." A woman says talking to a small three year old
"No!! I want my mommy!!" I scream
"You're mommy's not here anymore sweetie. Come with us. I will help you" she says
"How do I know your not lying?!" I say
"I'm your mother's sister sweetie. I just want to help you." she says
"You're my aunt?" I ask
"Yes I am" the lady responds
"Fine I'll come" I agree

(Next dream)

"How did you kill her huh?!!!" I scream at the lady
"Was it with a gun! A knife?! Come on tell me you monster!!" I scream at her while being held back by guards
"You want to know fine! Yes I killed your mother!! She always had to be better and smarter! So I made her feel the pain I felt as a child! " She screams

(Next dream)

I was sitting on the roof of the building with my legs hanging off and start singing

"When I was a babe, I fell down in my holler
When I was a girl, I fell into your arms
We fell on hard times and we lost our bright color
You went to the dogs and I lived by my charms
I danced for my dinner, spread kisses like honey
You stole and you gambled and I said you should
We sang for our suppers, we drank up our money
Then, one day, you left sayin' I was no good
Well, alright, I'm bad, but then you're no prize either
Alright, I'm bad, but then that's nothin' new
You say you won't love me, I won't love you neither
Just let me remind you what I am to you
'Cause I am the one who looks out when you're leapin'
I am the one who knows how you were brave
And I am the one who heard what you said sleepin'
I'll take that and more when I go to my grave
It's sooner than later that I'm six feet under
It's sooner than later that you'll be alone
So who will you turn to tomorrow? I wonder
For when the bell rings, lover, you're on your own
I am the one who you let see you weepin'
I know the soul that you struggle to save
Too bad I'm the bet that you lost in the reapin'
Now, what will you do when I go to my grave?"

"You have a beautiful voice" someone says from behind me
I quickly turn around only to see Thomas there
"Thank you" I say smiling
"Where did you learn to sing?" He asks me while sitting down
"My mom it's one of the only things I remember about her, her voice." I answered him
He just smiles at my answer

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