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We all three walk into the map room

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We all three walk into the map room

"What's is this?" Thomas asks us
"The maze. All of It" Minho says
"What do you mean all of it? I thought you were still mapping it." Thomas says
"There's nothing left to map." I tell him
"We have run every inch of it ourselves. Every cycle, every pattern. If there was a way out, we would have found it by now." Minho says
"Why haven't you guys told anyone this?"
Thomas ask
"It was Alby's call. People needed to believe we had a chance of getting out. But maybe now, we have a real chance." I say
"Take a look at this" Minho leaned on the table
"About a year ago, we started exploring these outer sections. And we found these numbers, printed on the walls. Sections one through eight." Minho shows him
"See the way it works, is every night when the maze changes, it opens up a new section. So today, section six was open, tomorrow it'll be four, then eight, then three. The pattern always stays the same." Minho keeps explaining
It holding the device we found rubbing my finger over the number 7
"What's so special about seven?" Thomas ask
"Last night when I killed that griever, section seven was open. I think it might be where they come from." I say
"Tomorrow, us three are gonna take a closer look." Minho says
Right then Clint and Jeff sprint in.
Minho and I jump in front of the maze to try to hide it some
"Hey. What are you guys doing? You're not aloud in here." Minho tells them
"Sorry, it's just the um..." Jeff starts
"It's the girl." Clint finishes
"What? Is she awake?" I ask quickly
"You could say that." Jeff says
I take off running out the door. When I get there I see her at the top of the lookup throwing things down at the boys. How did that much stuff get up there?

"Holy shuck you do this on a daily basis??" Clint asks us talking about running
I just shake my head walking closer to the scene

"Chuck, what's going on?" I ask him
"Girls are awesome." He laughs
"Finally someone says it" I laugh

"Leave me alone!" The girl yells
"Hey! You throw one more of those things-" Bally starts before getting hit in the head with something she threw. Not going to lie I wanted to fall on the floor with laughter watching that

"We come in peace!" One boy yelled
"What happened?" I ask them
"Just duck!" Fry says holding something to shield himself
"I don't think she likes us very much." Newt laughs
"What do you want from me?" She tells again
"Hey look, we just wanna talk!" Meet says
"I'm warning you!" She yelled
All the boys keep whining and complaining while I stand there in disbelief
"I live with children, literal children" I mumble

"We just want to help!!" I yell moving out of the way before I got hit
"Hey! Hey it's Reyna! It's Reyna!" I yell and the throwing stops. She looks over the edge then goes back not saying anything
"I'm going to come up now ok!" I yell again
I turn to the boys as I start to climb
"Just me" I can see gally glare at me so I look right at him and he turns away

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