Im miserable

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And that brings me to where we are today

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And that brings me to where we are today. Still stuck in the same shit hole as the last year.

Minho and I have run the entire maze ourselves, and still no exit. But I can't lose hope, not with this many people here. Not with this many innocent lives here.

Every month the same thing. New greenie comes up alby or newt give them to tour and they get to work once a job is assigned. But no girls. None. Not once. 3 years and the only girl here. Honestly tho it's not to bad. Most boys avoid me because and I quote "scary". Listen I might not talk to them and I might give the death glares every time they try to talk to me but I'm not- well I mean maybe I am. Better scary than weak am I right?

Today is greenie day. Again. Alby gave me the job to do this one.  I wasn't allowed to run for a few days because I twisted my ankle trying to get back on time so he thought it would be good for me to do something.

The alarm goes off and I start to slowly wobble my way over. Ofc the boys gather around, I honestly think they shouldn't be allowed to because I mean how would you feel waking up remembering nothing with a bunch of boys staring at you. Not fun.

I'm at the front of the group when it finally stops.
I climb down and look for the boy.

I move a box and finally find the greenie. I can't say I'm not shocked because I was expecting a tall skinny teenage boy like normal but this kid looked like... well a kid.
He looks maybe 12 possibly 13. My heart instantly breaks. Why would they send a kid up here.

"Hey greenie. It's ok I know your scared. But it will be ok. I promise you." I say in the most calming voice I can. I can almost fill the stares by everyone.

After a minute of me talking to him he finally grabbed my hand and we helped him up.

"Alright everyone back to work!!" I yell
And everyone runs off not wanting to argue with what I said. I'm no longer a leader here but people still listen to me like I am. It's kinda fun.

"Ok greenie you're probably starving right now wanna go get something to eat?" I say looking at him
"Ummm yeah." He says
He sounds so young
I nod and start walking but he doesn't follow me
I turn back around and look at him
"Hey what's wrong you can talk to me. I won't judge I went through it too" I say.

That's a lie I didn't go through it. I woke up in the maze not the box. But the only people who do know that are alby Minho and newt know and I'm going to keep it that way.
"Uhhhh... do.. do you uhh" he stumbles
"Hey listen I won't judge. I've seen a lot of things nothing can be worse" I say smiling
"D-do you uh have a umm pair of.. of uhh pants?" He finishes
I know exactly what happened and actually the isn't the first time it's happened. I've heard stories and I cry of laughter every time newt tells me it.
I give him a smile and say
"Yeah follow me" I say
He gives me a big smile and starts to follow.

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