Time for murder

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I start getting ready for the day trying to shake off everything that has happened

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I start getting ready for the day trying to shake off everything that has happened.

I change and pull my hair back into a low ponytail and walk out to meet Minho at the doors.

As I'm jogging up I see Minho newt and alby all standing there.

"Hey guys what's up?" I say confused why they were both here
"Albys running with us" Minho says obviously annoyed
"What?" I look at alby
"Why?" I add
"We are going to retrace bens steps. And I'm coming" he says
"First off why would we want to do that. Second no offense but alby you're not a runner you're not gonna last long out there. And third we aren't supposed to run that route today. I think it's better if you just stay" I say
"No! I'm coming and we are doing what I say alright." He harshly says
"Alright fine don't come crying to me when you can't keep up" I snap back turning to the doors that are starting to open

We have had to stop multiple times for alby.
Alby sits down and I nod my head at Minho so I can have a word with him.

"Minho we aren't even going to run half of what Ben did at this rate. I say we just head back now." I tell him
"I know. I've tried to convince him but he's not listening. We shouldn't have let him come" he says rubbing his chin
I turn to alby to tell him we are going to go back but he's not there.
then I hear his scream.
I look at Minho and take off towards the noise. I turn the corner to see alby just standing there.

"Alby?" I say walking slowly close to him
He turns around to look at me
I knew right then and there. He was stung.
"You!!! You killed all of them!!! You did this all!!!" He screams and charges at me.

I keep dogging his attempts to hit me. I don't want to hurt him but if we don't start getting back now I don't think we will.

I hear Minho come up behind me and I got distracted.
Alby runs at me and starts to choke me while I'm on the ground.

Struggling I luckily find a rock on the ground and grab it
"I'm sorry alby" I say before I hit him in the head.

He falls on top of me before Minho pushes him off.
I take a second to breathe before I get up

"We need to hurry if we want to make it back" I say
"Yeah" he answers
We each grab a side of alby and try to run back.

As we start running I feel something drip down my head. I reach up to see blood on my hands.
Alby must have cut me.

"Reyna you're bleeding" Minho says
"I'm fine. If we stop now we don't make it" I say not even looking at him.

We finally round the last corner to see everyone standing there waiting for us.
But at that same time the doors also start to close.
"Come on Minho!" I grunt

Everyone is yelling at us to leave him but I won't. I can't. I can't let alby die to the same thing George did.

I make eye contact with Thomas before I see him take off. He's running into the maze. He barely makes it through and falls on his face just as the doors close fully.

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