Okay time to be serious

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I see everything

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I see everything. Everything is clear. The girl is Teresa the boy is Thomas. That older woman is Ava Paige. She was my mother's sister, my aunt. She did all of this. I did make the grievers but I never wanted them to be use like this. They we're supposed to protect us from cranks not kill kids. I worked with them along with Thomas and Teresa but we found out what they were doing and did our best to do something about it.

But even after all of that I still feel guilty. It was still my fault. Albys gone. Because of me.

I gasp awake to see Thomas still out and Teresa next to me.

"How are you feeling?" She asks me
"Like shit" I say as I rub my head
She chuckles a little bit
"I remember everything" I say
She just looks at me
"Some good but mostly bad. One of the good things I remember is you. You were my best friend. Basically my sister. We were inseparable" I laugh
"Well no wonder I feel connected with you. I knew it" she laughs
I smile at her

I hear footsteps walk up and it's newt Minho fry and Chuck.

They all sit down and as they do Thomas gasps awake.

He looks at me and makes eye contact.

"What the hell were you guys thinking?" Chuck asks us
"What happened?" I ask
"Gally's taken over, He said we had a choice. Either join him or get banished at sundown with you and Thomas." Teresa said
"And the others agreed to that?" I ask.
"Gally has everyone convinced that you guys are the reason all this happened." Minho spoke up
I sigh then Thomas speaks up
"Well, he's been right so far." He mutters
"What are you talking about?" Teresa asks him
"This place, it's not what we think it is. It's not a prison, it's a test. It all started when we were kids. They'd give us these challenges. They were experimenting on us. And then people started disappearing. Every month, one after the other, like clockwork." He explains .
"They were sending them up into the maze."
Newt says catching on
"Yeah, but not all of us." He says
"What do you mean?" Minho asks him.
"Guys, I'm one of them, The people who put you here, I worked with them. I watched you guys for years. The entire time you've been here, I was on the other side of it. And so were you" Thomas says the last part looking at Teresa

"What?" Teresa mutters not wanting to believe it
"Teresa, we did this to them." Thomas says
"No. That can't be true." Teresa shakez her head, as tear fallsout of her eye.
"It is. I saw it." He adds

It went silent before I spoke up

"I worked for them too" I say
"What? How? You were sent up here on day one" Minho asks me
"I made the grievers." I say
"What?" Chuck asks
I take a deep breath before continuing

"I made them. The person who created this place. She is my aunt. I worked for them. I helped them. I made those monsters. I made them to protect us but they took it and they used them to kill all those kids. I found out and I told them both, we helped 4 kids out, But I was caught and sent up here." I pause before saying
"I knew I did over a year ago." I add
"What do you mean?" Minho asks
"The dreams I had. I knew that I made them from one of my dreams. I just couldn't bring myself to tell anyone" I say as a few years drop from my eyes
"But you still helped us find a way out" newt says
"It doesn't matter. I've killed all of those kids" I say
"You're right. It doesn't matter. Any of it. Because the people we were before the maze, they don't even exist anymore. These creators took care of that. But what does matter, is who we are now, and what we do, right now. You two went into the maze, and you found a way out." Newt tells us

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