I cheated death, and now he wants a divorce

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I wake up early and start getting everything ready for our run today

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I wake up early and start getting everything ready for our run today.
Minho went to get Thomas while I got his bag and went to meet them at the doors.

As they jog I send Thomas a smile while Minho gives us both a weird look

The doors start to open
"Ready?" Minho asks
"Always" I say as I take off 

"Strange." Minho says as we get to section 7
"What?" Thomas asks
"Seven's not supposed to be open for another week." I say
We continued to walk when Thomas speaks up
"What the hell is this place?" He asks .
"We call 'em blades." Minho says

I see something on the ground and bend down to pick it up. It's Ben's shirt.

"It's Ben's, isn't it?" Thomas spoke up.
"Yeah. Griever must've pulled him down here." I said
Suddenly, we all heard a beeping sound. Confused as Thomas turns Minho around and grabs the device. He walks a bit and turns each way before saying
"I think it's showing us the way." He told us

We soon get to a ally way I've never seen before

"Have y'all been here before? Thomas asks us
"No" Minho answers him

We keep walking only to reach a dead end.
"It's just another dead end" Minho says disappointed
Thomas walks a bit closer then the light on the device turns green and a door opens up.

"You sure about this guys?" Minho asks
"Absolutely not" I say still walking forward

Walking through the tunnel Minho stops and touches the wall
"Wait" he touches the slime
"Grievers" he looks at us
We go to step forward again but a red light basically scans us
"What the hell is that?" Minho asks us
Then all of the sudden an alarm went off and we heard gears moving behind the walls
"Alright that's our cue to leave boys!!" I tell them both
"Give me the key. Give me the key." Minho tells Thomas
Thomas tosses him the device as we all three start to sprint out
"Move. Move." Thomas yells
We made it to the blades only to see them start to close.

"We gotta go. Run!" Minho yells
"We're gonna get trapped! Go! Go!" He adds

We start running dogging the closing blades Minho and I jump through one and Thomas gets stuck on the other side

"Reyna!! Minho!!" Thomas yells at us
"Run thomas!" I scream

He runs as fast as he can and finally makes it through. We make it to the last door closing we quickly jump in and crawl trying not to get flattened. We finally make it through and we all three just lay on the ground out of breath.

"Idk about y'all but I'm not stopping. I wanna get the heck out" I say getting up

We jog back and are meet with a bunch of boys waiting to see what happened

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