Nightmares or memories? You decide.

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I round the corner and I see everyone standing there

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I round the corner and I see everyone standing there. Are they waiting for me? This has happened before they shouldn't be worried
I always make it back.

I hear the gush of wind as I just getting to them. I run through and turn to see the doors close right behind me.

I turn back around and ofc everyone is looking at me. I make eye contact with the new greenie.
And I instantly get a weird feeling. Why do his eyes look so familiar.

But I shake the thoughts off and start to jog to the map room to record everything I ran today.

I'm cleaning up when Minho walks in.

"Hey Minho" I say
"Hey Reyna. Are we back to the phase of completely ignoring the set time to be back?" he asks me laughing
"Yeah yeah whatever it's fine. I made it back and that's what matters" I say finishing cleaning up
"See the new greenie?" He asks
"Saw him yes. Met him no" I say
"Plus I don't really care who he is. I've had to "meet" very greenie for three years now, it gets boring" I say
"Can't blame you on that" he agreed with me
"But there is one thing I love about new greenies" he pauses wanting me to ask what
"What" I ask rolling my eyes
"Bonfire night" he says
"What so you have an excuse to have some of gallys drink" I say laughing
"Yes exactly" he says back wayyy to quickly
"Whatever floats your boat man. I'm going to go help get it ready. See ya tonight" I yell as walking out
"See ya" He says

I find alby and start helping him set up

Basically everything is done when alby pulls me aside

"You were late again Rey" he says
I let out a sigh knowing this was coming
"Yeah I know" I say shortly
"Rey you have done that way to much recently." He says
"Alby listen. I get it you're concerned but I really don't care. I always make it back even if it's late and if I didn't you know I would survive I did it once and I can do it again." I snap
I could see his face soften
"I get it Rey I do. You have had it worse than anyone here but I can't do this without you" he says calmly
"I know I know I'm sorry. Im just so tired." I say looking at him with tears in my eyes
"I know Reyna I know " he says as he hugs me

Not long after alby a few other boys and I had a stick with fire on it ready to throw
Alby nods at me then yells
"Light em up!!!"
And we throw them in.

I have been making my rounds talking to alby, Chuck, Minho and Ben. I would go talk to newt but he's talking with the greenie. I see them turn as newt points at us I make eye contact with the greenie before he turns away. And right as he turns I get up to go to the lookout. I sat at the very top with my legs hanging over.

Bonfire nights used to be my favorite but after George died it was hard for me to even enjoy them anymore. So now I normally sit and watch.

As I'm watching I see the greenie get pushed into the circle of gallys stupid game.
Oh how I wish I could embarrass gally again.
I quickly get down and stand next to Minho watching them fight.

"not to bad for a greenie huh?"  The greenie speaks up
Brave move but a stupid one. He distracted himself to much.
Gally kicks his legs from under him and he smacks his head on the ground.

"Thomas" I hear him mumble
"Thomas! Thomas! Hey my names Thomas!!" He yells
They all pick him up and start cheering till we hear a griever roar.
It goes silent till the greenie I mean Thomas speaks up
"What was that?" He questions
"A griever" I say not even bothering to turn around.
I start to walk away and hear gally say
"don't worry nothing gets through those walls" and alby telling everyone to turn in for the night.

I walk over to chucks hammock which he is already passed out in. I rub his head then kiss it and start to walk off

"Are you the only girl?" He asks and I turn to see the greenie
"Yeah that would be me" I say
"Why?" He asks
"Don't know. Wish I did but I don't" I answer
"How long have you been here?" He ask
I can already tell this boy is full of questions
"Get some sleep greenie you gotta long day ahead of you tomorrow" as I walk off

I fall asleep only to be woken in dreams again.

I am going through a computer and hack into  the grievers and change there settings when someone walks in
"Reyna. You're going to have to come with us" she says as the guards grab me.

Next thing I know I'm on a medal table.
I see someone lean down next to my ear, I thought I was going to hear "Wicked is good" again but I didn't
"I love you Reyna, I'm so sorry" I hear him say
I thought that was it but before everything goes black I feel my lips move to say

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