I love my friends

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It's been a few weeks since we came up with the idea to build the house

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It's been a few weeks since we came up with the idea to build the house. And during that time other boy remembered his name. Alby. He wrote it on the wall and we all celebrated... again.

We have been building the house and rooms for what feels like forever but it's actually looking pretty good so I can't complain.

I'm honestly a good builder the boys don't think so but I just think it's because I'm better than they are.
We should probably be done with it in the next few weeks but that's the problem, I want to go back into the maze but they both keep saying we should wait till we at least finish the house first.
But I'm not very patient. If there is an exit out there wasting my time building a house won't do jack squat.

My dream has come and gone but it's still the same dream over and over again. Things get more clear every time except for the boys face and name. I ended up telling George and alby. It seemed like the best idea. They were confused at first but didn't really question it to much. Just said to tell them if it's ever different. Which I easily agreed to.

We finally finished the house. It doesn't look too bad if I'm being honest.
It's pretty big we could probably fit like 2 more rooms in there if we wanted to, but for now three is enough.

We finally went through all the boxes as well. Surprisingly enough there was 3 beds in one. They looked old and crappy but it would do.

"Good job guys. I'm proud of us" George said
"Me too" alby agreed
"Same now can I go back into the maze please" I say begging
"Wow waisted no time. Fine. Tomorrow, not today" alby said
"Ughhhhhh fine." if I can wait a few weeks I can wait one more day right?

We cleaned up the rest of the wood and started to put things in a pile when I loud ringing noise went off.
We looked around to see the box cage thing with a red flashing light going off.

We all three run over
"Why is it doing that?!" I yell
"I don't know!!" George yelled back
"Wait wait wait it kinda sounded like that when we were coming up" alby said
George nodded in agreement after a few seconds

"Do you think more people are coming up?" I ask
"Possibly I guess we wait and find out" alby says

Honestly it took longer than expected but finally the noise stopped.

We all look at each other before opening it up.

We look inside to see some more boxes, a few animals. And another person. Well another boy to be exact. I was hoping if someone came up it would be a girl but it's fine i guess.

He honestly looks like he saw a ghost. Blond hair skinny looks like he has long legs.

Alby jumps in and try's to calm him down some. After a while he gets him to come out and he just looks at us. Like just straight up doesn't move or say a word. Just stares.

"Hey there newbie I'm Reyna" I say trying to lighten up the mood
He just nodded his head and shook my hand.
"I'm George" George said really awkwardly.

"Do you remember your name yet?" George asks
"No I don't remember anything. Why can't I remember?!" He ask kinda quickly
He sounds British. Why am I focusing on his accent when he's freaking out. Gosh I'm already going crazy.

"Hey hey it's ok all three of us did the same thing. We woke up here no memory either. Your name will come back to you in a few days I promise. It did for the rest of us" I say trying to comfort him.

He just nods calming down a bit.
We got everything out of the box and started going through it. Alby tried to explain everything to the newbie as best as he can. And I think it worked, I mean the newbie looks more calm now so I hope it did.

I cooked for all four of us now and sat down with them when I was done.

"Hey greenie, you think your British? You sound like you are" I say while eating
"First off greenie? Second off I guess so can't remember if I am or not" he laughs
"Ahhh right right I forgot slips your mind after a few weeks. And second idk greenie just rolled off the tongue. Eww I'm starting to sound like George over here" I laugh
"Hey that's rude! You literally use shuck all the time" George argues
I just roll my eyes at his comment
"I kinda like it. How about every time someone comes up. That is if more people do. We call them greenie while they can't remember their name. So it makes it easier" alby says
"I agree" George says

When we were going through the boxes there wasn't another bed for some reason but there was a hammock. While the boys kept eating and talking I decided to look for place to hang it. And I found the perfect spot. I tied it up and tested it out. It was pretty sturdy.

As night fell I told the greenie to sleep in what was going to be my room so he wasn't as freaked out sleeping outside by himself. He was super thankful and made sure to say thank you probably 100 times before going to bed.

I laid down and looked up at the stars as I drifted off into another night of dreams.

"Reyna, do you know why I picked your name?" A woman asks
"Nope! Why did you pick it mommy?" A little girl asks. But that little girl was me.
"I picked it because it means warrior and fearless. That's who you are. Your my little fearless warrior" she said as she taps my nose
I giggle as I say
"Thank you mommy!! I will always try to be a fearless warrior for you"
"Well I'm glad. You will need to be in this world" she says
"Why?" I asked cuddling into her arms
"Hopefully you never have to find out why" she answered me

I shoot up once again.
It was different. Another memory I guess.
That woman was my mom. What happened to her? Is she still alive? My name. She picked it because of the meaning. So many more questions go through my head again. But stopping myself I looked at my watch to see it's 3am. Are you kidding me. I decide to try to go back to sleep and after a while I finally do. This time I luckily fall into a dreamless sleep.

A/N- Reyna doesn't actually mean warrior or fearless btw! I think it means queen but for my story it will mean something else!

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