Its fine my ass

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It's been a while sense I first got here

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It's been a while sense I first got here. Still stuck in this stupid place. Our theories were correct a new greenie does come up every month. The first that came up remember his name after a few days it was newt. Next was minho then gally. Gallys a real pain in the ass sometimes if I'm being honest. Clint, siggy, there are a few more I just can't remember their names. Oh well.

After a month or two alby George and I newt some too we all made a plan sort of. We made the house a bit bigger but we realized that we can't keep making it bigger and bugger every time someone comes up so we came up with these things called keepers. George alby and I are the "leaders", like co leaders together since we came up together, well they did I came not to long after.

But the leaders and keepers will be the only ones sleeping in there. Oh and keepers, they are like the leader of each job. And the jobs you ask well there are a bunch. Runners they run the maze obviously. Cook pretty self explanatory.
Track-hoe don't ask me why it's called that and not farmer or gardener because I don't know either. Slicer they cut up the animals so we can cook-'em. Medjack it's literally just a doctor and again don't know why we didn't just name it that.
Builders they obviously just build things we think we need. There are a few more but I can't remember what they are honestly.

Yes I still have dreams they have changed maybe once or twice but not much.

I decided not to tell anyone else about them besides alby George newt and Minho. I would say they were my best friends here and I would rather keep those between us five.

The best thing we have built is a map room. It's where we have been building a mini map of the maze to try and find an exit. It's out in the woods because we thought it would be best not to let everyone see it. But as we have been mapping, it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It's way bigger than I thought it was. It's been rocky but it's alright I think....

Today Minho and newt are mapping the right side of the maze and George and I are mapping the left.

Everything was going fine till I started to have a bad feeling. And I've learned to trust my feelings more lately.

"Hey George let's head back I don't have a good feeling" I said
"Reyyyy it's fine. You even said you want to be out here more so let's just stay a little longer. It will be fine" he argues with me
"Fine" I say but honestly it didn't feel right at all

We keep going till I heard a sound. A sound I'm a little to familiar with. A griever.

What is a griever doing out at this time?!! 

I grabbed George's arm and pushed him against the wall
"Hey wh-" I cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth and my other hand to my lips telling him to be quiet. When we heard it his eye went wide realizing what was happening.

We start to turn around when I look at my clock, oh no. The doors close in an hour we are going to have to sprint back if we want to make it. Lord bless.

"George we gotta go now if we want to live, the doors close in an hour" I whisper in a panicked voice

We start to turn around but when we do, we are face to face with a griever.
And it wastes no time charging at us

"SHIT!!!" I yell as I take off running grabbing George's arm

"COME ON GEORGE!!" I scream
"IM COMING!" He yells back
The griever is close way to close for my liking. One slip up and we could be dead.

We round the corner when I hear a scream. I turn to see George slipped. I ran back as fast as I can to pick him up but the griever got there before me.

It stung him right in the stomach without a second thought. Hearing his scream broke me into a million pieces. I quickly threw my knife at the griever and it hit it straight in the eye. It screamed and stumbled back giving me enough time to grab George and run as fast as possible.

"Come on George I know it hurts but we gotta go" I say helping him run.

He was completely out of it but luckily he started to run as best as he could.

We ended up losing it because I hit it straight in the eye. But now we just gotta hope we get back in time before the doors close.

We turn the corner to see everyone waiting on us. I sprint as fast as I can while helping George. And when I'm half way there the doors start to close. I use every last bit of strength in me to get to the doors.
I quickly push him in front of me and squeeze through.
As soon as we are back I fell straight on my face from exhaustion. But it didn't last long before I was pulled up and drilled with questions.

"Why are you back so late?!"
"What happened?!"
"What happened to George?!"
"You almost didn't make it!!"

I couldn't even hear my own thoughts at this point.

"SHUT UP!! We need to get George to the medjack room right now. I will answer questions later" I yell and everyone silent. They quickly pick him up and take him to the medjacks.

They lie him down and lift his shirt. It looks horrible. It's green blue and purple mixed. His veins are also slowly turning a blackish color.

They quickly patch him up. He is going to live but we don't even know what getting stung does. But right now the only thing we can do is wait.

The medjacks clean up my cuts but sadly I wasn't even able to take a shower before I was drilled with a million questions again.

"ALRIGHT LISTEN UP! Im only going to say this once so everyone be quiet!" I say

"We were doing what we do everyday but this time I got this weird feeling and told him we should go back, he said it was nothing and said we should go a little farther. As we did we heard a noise. There was a griever there. don't ask me why because I don't know why it was out during the day. It chased us and when we turned a corner George slipped. The griever got to him before I could and stung him. I threw my knife and luckily hit its eye and gave us time to get out of there. No I don't know what happens when you get stung. And all we will can do right now is wait it out." I finish

"Alright everyone get back to work!!" Alby yelled and everyone ran off

"What do you think going to happen Rey" alby asks me
"I don't know. It could mean anything." I sadly say not even looking up
He nods
"Go clean up and eat. You need a shower you stink" he says trying to lighten up the mood

"Haha very funny" I say getting make and making my way to the shower.

I finish taking a shower, eat and lay down in my
Hammock drifting off to sleep very quickly.

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