I may have killed a guy, so what?

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We finally round the corner to see most boys walking off

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We finally round the corner to see most boys walking off. Only a few saw us
I look to see Chuck still there
I see him mouth "no way" then Clint yells
"They did it!!"
All the boys came running back to the entrance

We make it through and set alby down. All three of us fall on the ground.
Chuck comes straight to us
"You saw a griever?" Chuck asks us
"Yeah I saw it" Thomas answers
"Yeah well Reyna didn't just see it, she killed it" Minho says
And right after he said that I felt everyone's eyes on me and it goes silent
I just look at Thomas but he was already looking at me.

The medjacks take alby and Thomas Minho and I follow. We all three got any cuts clean up.
After a while gally calls a council meeting. Here we go

"Things are changing. There's no denying that. First Ben get's stung in broad daylight. And then Alby. And now our greenie here, has taken it upon himself, to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation, of our rules here." Gally says
"Yeah, but he helped save Alby's life." Fry says
"Did he?" He questions
"For three years, we have coexisted with these things. And now, Reyna just killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us."
"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Newt asks in a annoyed tone
"They both should be punished." Gally shrugged.
I start laughing out loud at his comment and everyone looks at me

So I stand up and get in front of gally just a few steps away

"So wait what you're saying is, I can't kill one of them but they can kill as many as they want of us and that's co-existing?" I ask him angrily

"Do you really call that co-existing gally?! If anything I was doing us a favor and so was Thomas! you have no right to stand here and tell me what should happen. I go into the maze everyday risking my life to find a way out while you stay in here! You are building this place up like you want to stay!! Not once did you ever ask to be a runner and Thomas asked on his first day! He runs into the maze to try and help and what did you do huh?! I gave up my position as leader to risk my life more out there, and yet you wouldn't risk your life to save anyone here" I finish saying not even realizing I'm face to face with him now.  I turn around and get back down next to Thomas

The whole place went silent before meet spoke up

"Ok well we obviously heard what Reyna thinks so Minho you were with him also what do you think?" Newt says

"I think in all the time we have been here no one has ever killed a griever. And when I turn tail and run this dumb shank stayed behind to help Rey with alby. I don't know if he's brave or stupid. We already know Reyna was both. But whatever it is. We need more of it. I say we make him a runner." Minho says and I don't even try to hide my smirk

Everyone starts to talk and Chuck starts to chant "Thomas" but it soon falls out when no one joins

"If you wanna throw newbie a parade, that's fine! Go ahead! But if there is one thing, that I know about the maze, it is that you do not-" he yells but is cut off by a loud noise. The greenie alarm. Why is it going off?

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