Best + bitter = better

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After a whole night of no sleep I had come up with a plan

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After a whole night of no sleep I had come up with a plan.

I told the boy and girl what I had come up with. We moved very slow but it was working. And now it was time to get hopefully 4  people out. 

I was going to be the one to do it. I didn't want them to get in trouble if we get caught.

After hacking cameras and waiting for guards to leave it was time, I had a short amount of time to get in and out but it should be enough. As soon as I got 4 of them out of the room the alarms go off. Shit. They caught me.

"Go! Run! " I yell at the four
As we run I tell them where to go and we finally make it to the door.

"Go!! get out of here! Run and don't stop till you find the right arm!" I yell to them as I push them out the door.
Right as I lock the door I turn to see guards running towards me

Running down the hallways not watching where I'm going when I run into someone. And it's ——
""Reyna! What's wrong?!" Someone asks me
"They know ——! They know, they caught me. —— listen carefully please. There is a group of people you need to contact when I'm gone." I say
"Rey you need to leave!" He says trying to get me to run
"—— listen please! The right arm. They will help you contact them and please don't get caught. I'm begging you ——. I need to do one more thing before they get me, I'm sorry" I say trying to walk away
"Reyna no you need to leave. You have to get out of here" he says
"I can't —— I can't. I'm sorry I really am. " I turn away and start running
I get to a room with a bunch of computers and start going through one.

I hack into the grievers and change there settings. They no longer come out during the day and they only try to kill them if they get stuck in the maze they will. But I paused.

I had a strange feeling they were going to just throw me in the maze. So listening to my guy I also made sure that the grievers wouldn't try to sting the first person who got stuck in there. I didn't have time to change it where they wouldn't hurt them but not trying to sting them should be good enough. Hopefully.

As I'm still typing when I hear someone walk in

"Reyna. You're going to have to come with us" she says as the guards grab me. Next thing I know I'm on a medal table I see someone lean down next to me.
I expected to hear "Wicked is good" but instead I heard
"I love you Reyna, I'm so sorry" a boy says

I gasp awake once again. The same stupid dream. I want to break down crying again being reminded that I made the grievers. I made the things that have killed so many kids. If I was fast enough I could've shut down the grievers all together, but I wasn't.
I worked for the monsters that are doing this to us.

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