Im trying to be serious I promise

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(If you see this "——" in a dream it's going to mean you said a name but you can't hear what you actually say)

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(If you see this "——" in a dream it's going to mean you said a name but you can't hear what you actually say)

"Reyna! What's wrong?!" Someone asks me
"They know ——! They know, they caught me. —— listen carefully please. There is a group of people you need to contact when I'm gone." I say
"Rey you need to leave!" He says trying to get me to run
"—— listen please! The right arm. They will help you contact them and please don't get caught. I'm begging you ——. I need to do one more thing before they get me, I'm sorry" I say trying to walk away
"Reyna no you need to leave. You have to get out of here" he says
"I can't —— I can't. I'm sorry I really am. " I turn away and start running
I get to a room with a bunch of computers and start going one. I'm moving as fast as I can when I hear people walk in. I turn to see a woman and some guards in all black.
"Reyna. You're going to have to come with us" she says as the guards grab me. Next thing I know I'm on a medal table with a cloth over me then I hear someone whisper in my ear
"Wicked is good" .

I shot up. I'm drenched in sweat and my breathing is all over the place.  I finally am able to calm myself down and look over at the boys to see if I woke them up. Luckily I didn't, i guess they are heavy sleepers.

Then my mind falls back into a deep thought about the dream or nightmare. Or was it memories?

It felt so real. It felt like that actually happened to me. But who were they? Who was that boy? I couldn't fully see his face and I couldn't even hear what name I said. So many questions went through my head at once.

Ugh! I get up to start walking around to try and clear my head some. it's early, the sun still hasn't come up just yet but It's very peaceful. I look around at the crates and find a knife in one.

"Imma keep you with me" I say to myself as I put it in my pocket
I walk over to the opening. I stare at it for a bit before I move to the right and start to carve my name.

"Looks great" one of them says behind me
"Yeah now you are officially a glader" the other one says
"Oh please don't start with that" I say as I turn around

A few days have pasted and they faintly agreed to go into the maze. I wake up bright and early to start getting ready.

"I'll get some food ready to bring with us. Some water and knifes. And ill bring a notebook to remember are way back just in case " I say
"Looks like you have been preparing for this for decades." One of them said
"Maybe I have" I laugh
I run off to start getting everything ready I also make a small breakfast for us to eat before we go.

After we finished up eating I heard the doors start to open. I run to go get the bags I put together while the boys started walking to the opening.
I jog up behind them before saying
"Ready boys?"
"Not at all"
"Come on It's gonna be fun" I say as I start to jog into the maze

I stayed at a slow pace because I found out pretty quickly they didn't have much stamina. After about 2 hours I see them start to fall behind so I decided to stop.
"Y'all good?" I ask laughing a bit
"Not one bit. I'm dying" one said
"How are you not tired?! Im feel like my chest is going to explode" the other one said
"Honestly no clue maybe I ran a lot before I woke up here. It feels natural almost." I say shrugging

While they catch their breath I look around and something shiny catches my eye. I walk over and move some ivy out of the way to see a metal plate that says
"World Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment" I read out loud

I just stare at it trying to figure out why it looks so familiar to me.
"Yeah I vote we go back" one of the boys says
"What why?" I ask turning around quickly
"Are you reading that?! It literally says killzone. If this is a killzone I don't want to be in it!!" He argues with me
I roll my eyes. I mean he's not wrong.
"I agree" the other boy says

"Come on we haven't even been in here for 3 hours yet!" I argue
"How about we just walk the rest of the way and leave extra early to make sure we can walk back and still be back on time?" I suggest
"Fine but if we die that's on you" he points at me as he gets up.

For an odd reason what he said went to heart. I felt like it all was my fault. And I couldn't shake the feeling.

"Deal" I say trying to push down my feelings

We have been walking for a while and I've been tracking everywhere we go on my notepad. I look at the clock and realize we should probably head back because if we are even a minute late to getting back I will not hear the end of it for forever.

We finally made it back to the glade and I was honestly happy with myself we didn't get lost. Dont tell the boys but I did get a little nervous that I was going to the wrong way.

"Happy boys? We made it back completely unharmed and might I add NOT dead" I say 
"Ugh fine you were right. Ok" one boy said
"You're welcome" I wink at them
"Imma make some food" I say jogging off

"How can that girl still jog after all that walking and running?" One boy asks the other.
"Who knows" the other shrugs

As I cook my mind goes back to my dream. A bunch of unanswered questions go through my head giving me a headache.

I try to ignore it as much as I can and quickly finish up cooking so I'm not alone with my thoughts to long.

Once I'm done I bring the plates over to the boys who were sitting by another fire.

"So Reyna we were talking and we think we should try to build a small house or something. For however long we are going to stay here might as well use the wood and tools we got to give some shelter" one boy tells me
"Yeah thats a great idea honestly. Should we build like one big one and share or three small ones?" I ask
"I don't know maybe just one big and we could make three rooms." He suggested
"Fine with me" I say laying down

"GEORGE!!" One boy yells
I shoot up to the out of the blue yelling
"MY NAME IS GEORGE!" He yells again
"What!!!" We both yell happily and we all start cheering
"Finally! Now I can stop calling y'all "boys" " I laugh
"Let's go write your name!" The boy said reminding us

He finishes writing his name and I put my hand on his shoulder
"Officially a glader" I say
"SEE ITS CATCHY!" he say
"Whatever" I say rolling my eyes

The night of the night we make a plan of how to build the house thing and what other things we should try to do. Or what we can do with only three people.

Before we know it we all drift off the sleep

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