𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖳𝗐𝗈 -𝖸𝖫𝖸𝖫!

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y/n pov

I slowly opened up my Twitch account and contemplated if I had really wanted to do this or not. I started at the screen. The only thing left to do was to click the go live button.

You started the stream and watched as chat quickly filled up. Your starting soon screen was similar to Wilbur's, An IPad with a purple shimmering case with a sunset on the screen. When the sunset had set, the stream would start. You watched as the sun graphic had set, then turned on your mic.

"Hello everyone! How are we today? I hope we are all good." You spoke softly.
"Today we will be joined with none other than the Wilbur soot! You guys be nice okay? I don't want anything going wrong. Let's ring him now shall we?"
You unmuted on discord.

"Y/n!" He yelled happily.

"Why hello there Señor Soot." You giggled.

"Ew disgusting. Never call me that again."

You laughed even more at this. You and Wilbur had decided that he would get three live and you would get seven since you are prone to laughing. Once one of them ran out of lives, they would reveal the news.

You had streamed for a little longer when finally you lost your last live. Chat flew by with excitement.

"Well congratulations guys. You made me laugh. Should you tell them Wilbur or will I?" You asked Wilbur. "You should, you were the one who laughed." He responded.

"Okay everyone! Drumroll please!"

You watched as you chat spammed drum emojis. You decided to also tap on your desk. "Hold on one sec everyone! I'll be right back." You left your room and walked into Wilbur's. "Hiya chat! You might be wondering if this is a meetup. Nope! Me and Wilbur are siblings!" You told chat excitedly.

Chat flew but so quickly that you couldn't even see what was going on. You just hoped everyone was happy. A dono then came in. "Wilbur I don't believe her one bit. Confirm? That annoying rat can't be your sister."

You stopped as the rude words made it to your ears. You tried to keep up your smile, for the rest of chat, but it was very hurtful.

Wilbur looked at the dono angrily. "Chat. Y/n is my sister and i love her very much." He scolded chat. "If you can't respect her, get out of here. You've lost me."

You watched as your brother stopped stream. He sat down next to him, trying to contain tears. He noticed this. "It's ok. You can cry. It's just me."

Tears flowed down your cheeks as you cried silently. Wilbur just hugged you and rubbed your back. He tried to lift the mood. "That was just one person alright? You can't have everyone, and there are one million other people that love you. Probably spiked with the news actually." He had said.

You smiled at him without saying a single word.

y/nforpres (@y/n_)
About to be introduced to the child, and I'm pretty sure everyone and their grandma knows who I'm taking about. Anyway, OOTD! 💕

           💬 192k     ♻️ 46k      ❤️ 645k           Wilbur Soot (@WilburSoot)             He is indeed a child

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          💬 192k     ♻️ 46k      ❤️ 645k
           Wilbur Soot (@WilburSoot)
             He is indeed a child... An annoying one.

Wilbur pulled up his discord and joined the call. He had told Tommy to be nice and not to over react and blow my eardrums. He did the exact opposite.

"JESUS TOMMY! You didnt have to blow my ears out.'' I resopnded to his excitement.

"Sorry. Turn your camera on! I want to see you!'' He said. I qickly filcked on the camera. "Happy?" I asked. He just kinda...stopped if that makes sense. I took the time to take a closer look at his features. Long, fluffy, golden hair. Bright blue eyes. Pale skin. This boy was kinda cute.


He was not cute in that way. He was pretty I guess. But not like cute cute.

"Uh Tommy? Your staring. Are you alright? I asked him. It seems to had snapped him out of his trance. He turned bright red.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine. Sorry."

"It's fine Tommy." He seemed to pickup the online persona again be immediately he shouted, "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY MINECRAFT?" 

At this point, I'll just go deaf.
"Yeah sure" I respond. "Add my discord though, I don't really feel like logging in on my brothers account."

He seemed really excited when I said add me on discord. I added him and we decided to do a survival world.  About 5minutes in, I already have iron. He noticed.
"HOW DID YOU GET IRON SO FAST?!" He asked me. "I don't know. I used to try and beat world record speed run's though. I got pretty close actually. He looked stunned. I don't think I've seen him so shocked.

"That's so cool! You could have taken Dreams title!" He exclaimed excitedly. I laughed. Taken Dreams title? Best Minecraft player in the world himself? I couldn't do that. Maybe I could take a female title. Fastest female Minecraft speed run? I could totally take that.

A couple hours later, Tommy had to go. I said my goodbyes and left the call. Before I exited out of Discord, I noticed that Tommy was typing. He said:

Hey! Could I get your number? Your really cool and I'd love to talk more!

Yeah that's cool! We can stream together sometime.

I looked down at my phone. I wonder if he'll text me. I left Discord and went downstairs to talk with Wilbur. He looked up at me.

"Did you have fun? Tommy seems to really like you. He said. As a friend of course what else could he mean? But still, it kinda hurt.

"Yeah, I told him how a used to speed run and he got all shocked. He also asked me for my number. He said he just wanted to talk more, whatever that means."
Wilbur looks at me again. "He asked you for your number? I think he's got a crush~." I looked at him as blush spread across my face. "HE DOESNT LIKE ME WILBUR! And I don't like him."

"Who are you trying to convince? Because it's not me." Wilbur paused the TV.  " If you like him, it's fine. Just be yourself. With that he shooed you upstairs and left you to think about your feelings yourself.

Words:1073 Pog!
Because I finally wrote something more than than 700 words.

Game on! TommyinnitxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now