𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖥𝗂𝗏𝖾 - 𝖨𝗆𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋

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y/n pov

It has been a couple weeks since I choose the side I would be on. Everyone in the Dream SMP is already treating me as one of them. Especially Tommy. He's my best friend, on the SMP and off it. We were Face timing, and suddenly he asks a weird question.

"Hey y/n?"
"What if we met up with everyone down in Brighton, wouldn't that be fun?" Tommy asked me. I thought about it. It would be fun, I'd get to see my best friends.

"Yeah that would be pog! If that does happen I'm gonna jump Dream." I replied in a joking manner. Tommy giggled at my joke. I laughed along with him, enjoying is company.

"By the way, a couple of people are going to do an among us stream later, want to join us? We need one more player anyway." Tommy asked. (A/N: I'm going to make it back to original among us, no SS, eng, or anything.)

"Sure! Sounds like fun. Who is going to be streaming with us?" I replied.
"You, Me, Wilbur, Niki, Dream, George, Sapnap, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Fundy." He lists everyone playing.

"Alright, I'm going to go get ready for stream then! Chat later!" I said before hanging up. I walked into my bathroom. I looked like a mess. I brushed my hair and fixed my clothes and makeup.

 I brushed my hair and fixed my clothes and makeup

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I set up my starting soon screen and opened up Discord

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I set up my starting soon screen and opened up Discord. Everyone was in the call already, they were all just starting there streams. I deafened and greeted chat.

"Hello! How is everyone today? I hope you are doing well. Today we are playing some among us with some friends! Let's see who is here, shall we?" I un-deafened and was met by Tommy screaming at Dream. I almost fell out of my chair in shock.

"Are you guys done blowing out my eardrums? I need those you know." I said sarcastically. The call broke out into fits of laughter. Soon enough, we started the round.

"Emote only, please mods." I had gotten imposter with Niki. I went down into admin with Tommy and pretended to do card swipe, as an alibi. I followed Tommy into electrical, and left without killing him.

"Gotta get him to vouch for me as an alibi chat."
I went up into reactor and killed Fundy. I got away before anyone noticed, but pretty close after, his body was found by my brother.

"I found the furry dead in reactor. Jesus, 4 peopld are already dead?" Wilbur exclaimed.

"Y/n was with me pretty much the entire round and didn't kill me, so I'm pretty sure she's safe. Tommy said.

"I only saw Niki the entire round." George says.

It's clear that no one has a clue. Perfect.

We ended up skipping as no one could tell. I went to navigation and killed Wilbur. Then vented away to weapons. Fundy, Wilbur, Ranboo, Dream, and George were dead. We just needed to kill two more.

I walked into elec with sapnap, while niki killed Tommy. I killed sapnap same time and my screen flashed blue. The word "VICTORY" Was in big blue letters.

"LETS FUCKING GO NIKI!" I yelled into my mic.

"WE WERE AMAZING Y/N! GIRL POWER!" Niki yelled back, giggling. The rest of the call was making quiet grunts on annoyance.

"Y/n when did you get so good at among us?" Ranboo asked.

"My aunt knows the devs, so I got to play it in it's early stages." I answered honestly.

"I can confirm this is true." Wilbur agreed.

The whole call was shocked.

"If you guys played the game in it's early stages, why is Wilbur still so shit at it?" Dream giggled. Wilbur yelled something at dream I wasn't paying attention too.

We played a couple more rounds until I decided it was a good place to end stream.

"I think I'm going to stop here bye guys!" I yelled to chat. Everyone in the call yelled a variation of goodbye, then I ended.

WORDS: 695
So sorry it's short! I've been busy and I needed to get something out lol.

Game on! TommyinnitxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now