𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 - 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗎𝗋𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗐𝗅

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y/n pov

We walked in to a beautifully decorated restaurant. It was kinda empty, considering the prices. It was us and a couple of other people. Maybe about a handful. We all take our seats and make some small talk. I was a little nervous though. Everyone seemed so fancy. I felt underdressed. My leg began to bounce under the table.

I felt Tommy put his hand on my thigh. It calmed me down, but I turned a bit pink. (A/N; NON-SEXUAL WAY. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO POINT THAT IUT IN THE FUTURE.)

"You alright?" He whispers to me. I nod. The waitress is coming in with our drinks when I see a familiar face. Then I realize who it is.

"Hey Wilbur! I'm gonna head to the bathroom really quick. Order for me?" I do our little secret code thing again. He gets it and gives me the thumbs up. I get to the bathroom and wash my face.

Of course, as expected, she walks in here. Before she can even say anything I get there first.

"So you are stalking me and my friends." I say. I wasn't a question, but a statement. She nods.

"Oh y/n. If you just joined us this would have been easier."

"I'm not joining my cheating ex and bullshit 'friend' in bullying." I replied. "Leave me alone."

I walk out and walk back to my table. Everyone is already there, eating. Of course she follows.

"Hey! I'm not done with you y/n!" She yelled.

"Okay, but I'm done with you." I walk faster. I get to my table before she does and sit down. We work up some small talk. It doesn't last long.

"Y/n gold!" She yelled. Everyone turned around to see who was calling my name. She had looked livid.

"Awwww y/n, you have to hide behind your friends? I bet your just using them for clout and money." She cackled like the witch she was.

"Jessica, I've said this so many times. I've spoken this language with you. You can bother me, but leave my friends out of it." I stand up. Before she can do anything else, I slap her. She gasped.

Because I don't wanna get kicked out, I sit back down and don't do anything more. She still wasn't done yet though. She punched me in the face twice and twisted my arm. I could feel my nose bleeding. My poor dress was ruined.

"What the fuck?! What is wrong with you!?" Niki yelled.

"Dude, leave her alone! She did nothing to you!" Fundy added.

"Why the hell would you do that? Get the fuck away from her." Tommy was absolutely not having it.

"Guys, it's fine. Let's just pay and go. I think my arm might be broken." I say calmly.

"Hahah! GOOD. It's what you deserve you clout chasing slut."

That did it for me. With my other hand, a punched her.


She fell back from the impact. She began to cry. I wasn't having it. I stood there, watching her.

"So Jessy-wessy loves to talk smack about me and my friends, but can't handle an actual smack. Hm. I'll say it again, you can bully me, but leave my family out of it." I pointed at all of them.

She got up and twisted my arm one more time. At that point, I knew it was broken.

"DUDE. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. GET OUTTA HERE NOW, JESSICA." Wilbur yelled at her. She quickly got up and ran right out.

Game on! TommyinnitxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now