𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖥𝗂𝖿𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 - 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝗀𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌

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y/n pov

I wake up at seven am with Tommy next to me. I look over by Niki's bed, she must have woken up already. I tried to get out, by Tommy squeezed me.

"No. Stay." He seemingly woke up I guess. I grab my phone and open Twitter.

Terrible mistake.

The first thing I see is my accidental apology trending. People seem to believe me! I decided today before we did anything else, I would go live to explain everything.

"Tom, can you let me go? I need to go live." I asked of him.

"Now? It's fuckin seven in the mornin'." He complained in his morning voice. He clearly just woke up.

"I'm going to explain the situation, and we have places to be later. It's gonna take me a bit so I'm starting now." I responded.

He reluctantly let me go and I went to get dressed. I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom. I fixed my hair quickly and ran downstairs to where we usually stream.

I finished getting ready and hit start stream

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I finished getting ready and hit start stream.

Here we go...


I was so excited. Everyone understood and forgave me! I got my career back! I ran upstairs into Tommy's room. I was just sitting there on the bed. I ran over to him and hugged him.

"Guess who just got their career back!" I giggled. He chuckled and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so happy for you love. I'm assuming they all went and canceled Jessica?" He asked.

"Oh for gods sake, I sure hope so. She's such a fucking bitch man." I complained. He laughed.

"She deserves to get canceled. Now come on, let's go celebrate! I think Wilbur bought cake yesterday." He said. I gasped and ran towards the kitchen searching for the cake.

By the time Tom got down here, I was already almost done with my first slice.

"Jesus y/n, you haven't even had breakfast yet!" He said. It was around nine, everyone was now waking up.

"Don't think I won't eat breakfast after this, cause sir, I definitely will." I joked. I haven't had a good breakfast in a while, I wasn't eating to much after I got canceled.

Tom gasped. "Can you make breakfast today? You're so good at cooking please please please please?" He begged. I sighed at his child like behavior.

"Sure Tom. Come and help though!" I responded. We cooked and laughed together. By the time I was done, everyone was awake and waiting for food.

"Who the fuck is cooking and why does it smell so good?" Sapnap asked.

"Me, Mr. Snapchat. Tommy over here is my assistant." I pointed at Tommy who was cutting strawberries very wrong.

"Yay, y/n's cooking! Thanks y/n!" He yelled. I laughed as I finished setting food out. I made like a breakfast buffet of the sort.

Everyone was over and eating as soon as I set it out

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Everyone was over and eating as soon as I set it out.

"Y/n your so good at cooking! You should be a chef or something." Wilbur said with his mouth full.

"Yeah I agree! Just please chew first before talking Wilbur." Niki giggled.

"Thanks guys! Now eat it all, don't save anything." I responded.

"If no one else will, I'll definitely finish it all! Tommy said pilling up his third plate.

I laughed. I loved these people.


Wilbur had decided to take us all to a theme park. It was those kind of theme parks on the pier. We all walked in and got our wristbands. I was buzzing with excitement!

As soon as we walked in, a ran towards the bumper cars.

"Can we go on them Wil? Please??" I begged.

"Yeah sure. Go ahead, take Tommy and Tubbo with you." He responded as the other two ran over.

"Can I come too?" Niki asked.

"Of course girly! Come on" I smiled.

We all got in line for the bumper cars. Me and Tubbo were talking about how excited we were when Tom walked behind me and gave me a hug. Tubbo giggled and walked back towards Niki.

"Look what you did. You scared Tubbo away." I smiled.

"Yeah, he was gettin to close."

"Don't be possessive now."

"I won't! I won't." He smiled at me.

"Hello guys! How many people in your party?" The woman for the bumper cars asked.

"Four, please." Tommy responded. She let us in after handing him something.

"Have a good ride!" She smirked. Weird. Tommy looked at the paper he was handed and then chucked it in the trash.

"What was it that she handed you?" I asked.

"Her number. Ew." He responded. I wasn't expecting that.

"Ignore her, come on let's get on the ride! I giggled as I dragged him towards the f/c car.


WORDS: 803

Because I said so. 😻

Game on! TommyinnitxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now